
Connections and Disruptions

    I'm at an intersection. There are many people in my life right now that weren't there a few days ago, weeks ago, months ago. I'm gleeful--irrationally happy--with their presence. But there are, at the same time, some people missing who belong there--where did you go? why did you go?
I wish I could have told you
the things I've kept inside
but now I guess its just too late
so many things remind me of you
I hope that you can hear me
I miss you
     Sometimes it seems like it's all fucked up. ("Nothing's gonna make this right again") Most of the time, though, it's starting to coalesce, to feel like what's coming is so much better than anything that's been before. That's pretty weird, almost unprecedented for me. Of course, that makes me wonder if I really know what the hell is going on. Have I thought through everything? Do I know even a tenth of what's ahead of me? This sense of having a clue is just so foreign. I'll be much more comfortable when it's gone.
    It'll settle, right? It's all going to slide into whatever it slides into, like the river flowing to the lowest point, no matter how much of a fit I pitch. I might as well just shut up and deal.
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

[the lyrics are from "Meet You There" and "Perfect" by Simple Plan]

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