
I will come. I will come. I will.

I will greet the sun again,
greet the stream that once flowed in me,
the clouds that were my unfurling thoughts,
the aching growth of the grove's poplars
who passed with me through seasons of draught.
I will greet the flock of crows
who gifted me the groves' night perfume
and my mother who lived in the mirror
and was my old age's reflection.
Once more I will greet the earth
who, in her lust to re-create me, swells
her flaming belly with green seeds.

I will come. I will come. I will.
My hair trailing deep-soil scents.
My eyes intimating the dark's density.
I will come with a bouquet picked
from shrubs on the other side of the wall.
I will come, I will come. I will.
The doorway will glow with love
and I will once again greet those in love, greet
the girl still standing in the threshold's blaze.

[Forugh Farrokhzad {1935-1967}, 'I Will Greet the Sun Again', from Sin, trans. by Sholeh Wolpé]

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