On April 9, I was given a great honor. Cindy at Adventures in Blah Blah Land named me a fellow Thinking Blogger. Five days later, Popeye at ...and hope and history rhyme did the same. Charmingly, they both gave the same rationale--my continued celebration of National Poetry Month.
The primary honors that result from this nomination? Being able to display a button, and also being able to share the love and choose five blogs myself, to similarly honor.
If chosen, here are the rules:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (there is an alternative gold version if silver doesn't fit your blog).
I have had the distinct advantage of a few weeks to consider the bloggers whose work I admire in this way, and what I would like people to know about them. Forgive me if this goes on for a bit, but I've never really been known for my brevity.
There are three who would be on this list, no doubt, if the blogs that I fell in love with were still 'in production.' Unfortunately, one has seemingly fallen off the face of the earth, one is writing in a different, more "socially acceptable" (and so less edgy and, frankly, less compulsively readable) format, and the last has apparently been so swallowed up by his extracurricular activities that he has no time to write about them. Of the three, the only one whose name I can mention is Robert, formerly of 'worldaskew', etc. Consider this brief mention a signpost of how very much he is missed, in blogville and elsewhere.
The five bloggers that I think deserve Thinking Blogger awards are:
- Mr. Miyagi from The Twice-Poisoned Dog. It is surreally beautiful, heartbreaking, lovely, terribly sad. I don't know that it is supposed to be, necessarily. It sometimes feels like I'm reading someone's diary over their shoulder--thrilling, deceitful and enthralling.
- J.R. from Thinking. A good, good friend. My blog's blog-momma, its raison d'etre. The one person whose writing makes me cry more often than any other. We have lots in common (work, cats, some personal stuff) so when she writes about that, I nod and smile. And she has whole aspects of life that are so 'exotic' and far-removed, I read in fascination or vicarious joy. The best part? What she chooses to share is revealed with care and delicacy--she's such a skilled writer that the reader doesn't often notice the complex privacy balance going on behind the curtains.
- Peter at Like a treasure hunt...pieces all over the world.... It's a slice of a totally different, very appealing, life than the one that I live. He posts beautiful photographs and wonderful stories. It's fascinating. This is a guy that I would love to meet, and all because of the personality that shines through his blog.
- Molly at Reality outran apprehension. Although I have 12 of my own, Molly is my 'unrelated-aunt.' She is a member of the family that I didn't know that I had. The one whose advice always makes sense, even if it seems to come from out of nowhere (or from Italy, which is somewhat closer to the truth). She has a unique perspective on...everything...and so often when I read what she has written, I find myself sitting back in my chair, thinking, "She got it. She saw what no one else could see."
- The guys, particularly the 'royal we', at Deadspin. A cop-out? No. The site is often stupid, often completely tangential to my life, and at least 80% of the time, laugh-out-loud funny. I have learned more about sports since I've been reading their feed than I had in the previous 15 years (during which I had an uninterrupted subscription to Sports Illustrated, of course). Seriously, Deadspin as Thinking Bloggers? Yes. Definitely.

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