
Picking My Own Mental Nits

I'm generally in agreement with the results of this test. I'm not terribly Sociable, except with a few people I've checked out beforehand and decided are ok to do stuff with outside of whatever comfortable situation I've checked them out in. (Nice sentence.) That must tie in with Gregariousness. Just the thought that I could have any element of gregariousness within me is laughable. Now, I'm not trying to claim that I'm dull, or that I never make people laugh - that's not true, and some people think I'm hilarious. But when I think of the "real me," my elemental self, it's rather more introspective than that.

Assertiveness. 74%. That seems pretty high. Maybe it's just that I have a low tolerance, particularly lately, for slack-assed behavior and attitudes. But my so-called assertiveness comes out in a really pathetic way, more in the nature of backstabbing and whining than actually confronting problems. Something to work on.

Activity level = 54%. I'm not sure exactly what that's supposed to mean, but if it means I'm only active 54% of the time, it's probably right. The other 46% of the time I'm sitting around reading novels & blogs, checking my email, watching TV, taking naps, talking on the phone or to colleagues, etc. I'm not what you'd call "motivated".

Excitement-Seeking is deceptive. Surely I want more excitement than 46% would indicate, but I'm also dragged down by some mitigating factors that are hard to fight, like a large amount of debt and some unreasonable personal responsibilities/agreements that limit my mobility. I can't whine too much about my fate, but I can say that there's more to it than this indicates.

Enthusiasm = 46%. Yeah, that's about right. Less than half the time, things feel like they're worth getting off the couch for. Or, more accurately, getting off of my [goddamned] Ikea Poang chair and footstool for. Maybe I'm jaded, but I spent a lot of time when I was in high school and college getting very excited and pumped up about a lot of things, and those things never turned out to be worth the energy expended.

Trust = 42%. This is exactly what the last sentence from the paragraph above is all about. Nothing like getting burned to make one realize why touching fire is a bad idea. Granted, when someone or something is worth it, it's all the sweeter. But that's why it's rare.

Morality = 30%. Does this mean that 70% of the time I'm immoral? Or I make immoral choices? Or I have immoral responses to simple questions? Cause if that's true, what's the point of continuing? No, seriously, I think it's probably because I don't agree with black-and-white anything, and I don't agree that laws should be strictly enforced. (I don't think that the Illinois ARDC would think too highly of that, but they should be more concerned with the death penalty, George Ryan, and Meg Gorecki right now to consider the musings of an inactive attorney who's never practiced anyway.) Perhaps that section should be called "Ascribes to Majority Morality".

Altruism = 54%. That means I'm a sap more than half of the time. Two weeks ago it would have been much higher. I'm actively trying to get a handle on my tendency to do things for other people that they can and should do for themselves. It's dehumanizing to them and futile for me. (See the Calvin and Hobbes strip from today for an illustration of this.) There's a place for altruism in my life, and I hope to expand it again when I can direct it away from things and people that abuse it.

Cooperation = 38%. Hmmm. Several of my responses to the results seem to have been affected by the situation at work over the last few weeks. Interesting.
Yes, my cooperation level is low. And I'm going to say something that, for anyone who's ever worked in a public library (or maybe any library) marks me forever as a Library Person: But I can just do it myself easier than I can explain to anyone else how it's done. And it doesn't matter what "it" is. It doesn't matter if it's work-related or anything else. I have no desire to be a team with anyone. I can do it, but I'll almost inevitably (and that's a loaded word if ever there was one) hate it. Anyone want to be on a committee with me?!

Modesty = 26%. Talk about loaded. What can I say? I'm confident in my intellectual abilities. I'm very confident in my professional abilities. There are some things at which I lack skill or talent, but that I enjoy anyway, and pleasure must take the place of skill or talent in some areas of life or perhaps life would not perpetuate, at least as we know it. Too many people spend too much time flapping their jaws in false defense of their modesty, or as Cullen Hightower put it, "Sometimes we deny being worthy of praise, hoping to generate an argument we would be pleased to lose." That's just not me.

Sympathy = 54%. I try to be conscious of other peoples' feelings. Sometimes I succeed too well and end up going overboard in my attempt to make things right. More often, though, I probably miss the nuances and am not there when I should be or in the way that I should be. That's a goal, certainly.

I find it very hard to believe that my Self-Efficacy could be as high as 62%. After all, I'm sitting at the computer blogging my head off instead of following my clearly-laid path for the day. I guess that I'm better at it at work than I am at home.

Neatness has never been my strong point. I get by, and I don't think people talk about me behind my back, but I'm certainly not a pinnacle of personal pride. About 30% of the time, I get it mostly right. The house is usually untidy, but it's not dirty. Even the cats don't get "dirty" and the house doesn't stink like "cat". My desk at work, though, is a nightmare. And the dining room table is a magnet for mail and paperwork of all kinds. I could claim that I come by it naturally, since my mom's the same way, but I think it's mostly me.

I'm starting to feel guilty again, for not working. More on this later.

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