
Crunch Time

    Not sure if anyone noticed, but the "Thesis Status" indicator on the sidebar is gone. I decided it was causing me too much stress to look at it when I updated other links and tweaked the template. I've been slogging through the editing process - and hating every minute of it - but it's not going well. I have to finish it by Wednesday. Here's my week so far:
Monday: work 8:30 (or so) to 5:00
Tuesday: dentist at 8:10, work from 9:00 to 5:30 (or whenever I get there until 8.5 hours later)
Wednesday: work from 8:00 (if I can manage it) until my parents arrive around noon. Lunch at the Coffee Gourmet. They were planning to come back to my house afterward and wait until I get home from work, but how lame is that?! I'll just take off when they arrive. I think we'll have the inevitable "Could you please start paying back the money that you owe us before we want to retire in December?" during the afternoon.
Thursday: breakfast at Egg Haven, the new restaurant that has bacon waffles - oh my god, what an amazing concept - with Mom & Dad, and then off to work until...I'm done. At least 8.5 hours later.
Friday: work 8:30 to 5:00, followed by a staff meeting from 5:00 until at least 6:30. We're not having one in March, so this will be a long and painful one. Among the topics are "Why we're no longer going to buy videos" (because "no one" has VCRs anymore) and "Why it's the circulation staff's responsibility to look at donations before they bring them to Technical Services" (because if they bring me one more bag of moldy 1960s encyclopedias or worn paperbacks with garage sale stickers on them, I'll kill them in a slow and painful way, that's why).
Saturday: don't ask.
Sunday: homemade spring rolls & egg rolls at Lori & Geoff's. Heaven!
    So, my point was, if I'm going to get my damned thesis done, I need to do it this weekend - tonight and tomorrow. 'Cause the grad school deadline is 15 March, and that's only about a month (CRAP, 3 weeks) away. And I obviously will not have any time to work on it this week. Tomorrow or nothing. Hmm. Maybe I'll take Monday off and work on it then, and mail it on Tuesday on my way to work after the dentist. Nothing like doing all my pain in one day.
    All I have to do, really, is go through chapters 4 and 5 for minor errors. That shouldn't take more than an hour total. And then chapter 6, which should maybe take 2 hours, for more serious revision of the "ahistorical" issue, which really was blown quite out of proportion upon further review. (Although since I wasn't overly fond of it in the first place, who am I to complain about having the opportunity to change it?) That just leaves me with chapter 3, with which I've been struggling. I'm supposed to make it "less about Germany and Italy, and more about Spain." Easier said than done, particularly at this juncture. Sigh. No choice now, though.
    No rest for the wicked. Y'all may not hear from me until it's done, but then, it'll be done and you probably won't shut me up. Think good thoughts, send positive vibes, and pray if you're of that ilk.

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