
The Day After

    Ah, the road to true love - and theses - never runs smooth. Up 'til 3:00 proofreading. Pulled out some truly horrendous grammatical gems, too. But it's in the mail (guaranteed to arrive by noon Friday) so all's well on that front. For now, eh?
    I've signed up for BlogTricks, a nifty system for tracking referrers to the blog. I found it while floundering around last night online. I caught up on the Unshelved strips that I hadn't read, then paged through the Overdue Media blog. The strip's creators mentioned BlogTricks and I decided to check it out. Not what I should've been doing at 1:30 in the morning, but... any port in a storm, I guess. The new feature is terrifically easy to set up and use and looks nice. (A much better experience than a use-counter that shall remain nameless - for now!)
    I was going to catch up on my email (there are 16 messages in my inbox - unbelievable) but Comcast (stupid assholes) was upgrading their server today. Yeah, right. When I logged in this morning, they'd completely changed the interface. When I tried again around 2:00 this afternoon, it was down because of the "upgrade" (i.e. something went screwy with the new interface). I could log in far enough to see that I had messages, but couldn't access them. Finally got in at 10:15. Back to the old interface. Have they ever heard of beta testing? They might want to look into it. Guess I'll catch up on that email...tomorrow.
    Also considered going in for an extra day of work tomorrow. Why not, after all, since I don't have anything tying me home - no thesis to edit (yay!). But I think I am too tired, and deserve a day off, so I'm going to try to stay home. If I get too bored or feel too restless I'll go in. God knows there's enough for me to do there if I do go.
    I need to decide about the job by Monday. Here's the decision: do I want to keep my flexible 32 hours/week but not an overwhelming amount of money? Or do I want a few more hours (37.5) and quite a bit more money, but also a lot more responsibility and less flexibility? It's not a lot more time to put in, really, than I am now. And the money would help a lot. But there's more to consider and I know that I'm trying to simplify the real issue at stake. Ah, no one can decide this for me. I have to grow up sometime.
    Maybe I'll try to get an appointment for a massage tomorrow. That would be the perfect end to a good week, and it might help clear my head for decision-making.

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