
keeping the faith

    I feel really weird about babbling on while half my brain wanders back to the R family, but I think that writing is distracting. And maybe the absurdness of it will make someone laugh.
    There's no Friday Five this week, so I'm going to do the one from October 26, 2001:
1. What's your favorite time of day?  11 PM. It seems like that's when the day starts. Does that make sense?
2. What's your least favorite time of day?  Any time of morning, really, but probably 8:AM. It's the time that "everyone else" thinks is the legitimate start of the day, and it hurts me physically to be awake at that time, much less up and moving around. Ergo...
3. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Does it cause any problems?  I am a night owl. I do my best work at night (although you should take that in the most innocent sense possible). If I had it my way, I'd wake up - without an alarm - around 11:AM at the earliest, eat a leisurely breakfast, check email and blogs, and get dressed (in going-out-of-the-house clothes) around noon. I'd do errand-y stuff until maybe 5:00, and then start working. Get my best work done around 11:PM. Finish working at 1:AM. Get to bed around 3:AM, give or take a few hours. Total bliss!
4. If you had an entire worry- and obligation-free day, what would you do with it?  Huh. I used to have these on Fridays. Well, I'd get up around 11:AM.... No, seriously. I'd sleep late, eat bacon in some context, read a lot - but only what remained interesting, nothing that was the least bit tiresome, blog some, probably go out for tea with [friend] T (or shopping; there's a bear hunt in our future, and Sephora's always good for a laugh). Play pool. Drive.
5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?  Tonight, dinner with my friend Beth from law school. Afterward, pool or darts in my basement. Talking about old times, certainly, and our mutual friends who are newly married or divorced or parents. Or who have new or interesting jobs. A bit of bitching about law school profs. The usual.
    Saturday, reading and cleaning (boo!) during the day, and tea with T. in the evening. She's going to be in Suburb at the International Quilt Show today and tomorrow with her mom, but she'll be back before Saturday's done.
    Sunday, shopping in the megalopolis: Trader Joe's, Cost Plus for scone mix, Pier 1 for a new plant table, wandering around looking for book ends for the wonderful but impractical bookcases from Crate & Barrel. Maybe Victoria's Secret & Eddie Bauer - the usual suburban weekend haunts. I need that spring jacket, damn it!

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