

...is only a month away. Heading to Miami for 5 days mid-April. Staying at the Hyatt Regency Miami. I'd like to do all sorts of sports-related stuff (baseball for sure, perhaps some golf), but T.O.'s decidedly not interested in that. We'll definitely go to the beach and shop a lot. I'm a sucker for tourist t-shirts, although my taste is improving slightly and I no longer come back with a dozen of them. (Washington, D.C. t-shirt hawkers made their quota on me a couple of years ago, definitely.) I'm mostly looking forward to being out of the Midwest. I'm sick of snow, sick of wind, sick of winter. Sick of dry skin and cold feet. Sick of white sky and gray-brown grass. I've never been the sort of person who lives for their vacations, but I'm tempted in this case to prematurely obsess.

April 14 cannot come soon enough!

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