...you'll love this! Thanks to Annie @ The Catalogue Blog - the New England School of Law's cat can be scoped by color! That's for those times when you remember that the book is blue, but you can't think of the title. I'm rolling on the floor laughing right now. Leave it to a law librarian to do something that hilarious. Nothing better to do with one's overpaid ass than to index by color!
And now, just for fun, The Friday Five from Friday, November 21, 2003:
1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
I. Graduate.
II. Deal with The Problem (JCL knows) one way or the other.
III. Start writing.
IV. Pay, in full, any one of my bills.
V. Have I mentioned, start writing?
2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
I. Andy
II. Sara S. and associated siblings.
III. Chris from IGA
IV. Becky from grad school
V. N.
3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
I. Travel well (i.e. without giving in to anxiety about it beforehand, or discomfort while in the process)
II. Make spritz cookies (T.O. inspires me)
III. Make money hand over fist, at least for some tiny chunk of my lifetime
IV. Write fiction
V. Make decisions without pulling the bandage too slowly
4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
I. Buy an Alfa Romeo
II. Pay off all my bills and those of all my friends (you'd know you were my friend 'cause I'd pay your bills)
III. Give my parents money enough that they could say Fuck You to their jobs and their insurance companies, and never be beholden to any bureaucracy again
IV. Endow scholarships in the names of the teachers who made a difference in my life
V. Make some large donations in the name of some people I care a lot about for things like fiction collections at small public libraries and art history programs at state schools in the Midwest - places where money doesn't often flow, but where it could be well-used.
5. List five things you do that help you relax.
I. Read
II. Drink
III. Blog
IV. Write letters/email/fiction
V. Play with my cats
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