

From the Cat:

First, as a warm up, using the letters I-N-S-A-N-E reveal six things about yourself:
I - Indulgent
N - Nearsighted (borrowed from the Cat via Robert)
S - Sarcastic
A - Animalistic (take that as you wish)
N - Nitpicky
E - Eternally undecided

1. What's the best pickup line you ever heard and did it work?
I've never taken part in the scene in which pickup lines are appropriate. Significant conversation has always been a typical precursor. Well, that or lots of beer and a significant look.
2. If you were a character in The Wizard of Oz, who or what would you be?
Which one didn't have a brain?
3. If you were an element of weather, what would you be?
I'd be a tornado. There's nothing more appealing than being chased.... (Cat, keep your mouth closed, please.) And I'm very untidy.
4. If you were a breed of dog, what would you be and why?
This is a very difficult question to answer, because I've had a serious dog phobia since I was little. I guess I could handle being a dachshund or a beagle, though. Probably a beagle, because they're absolutely impossible to resist, and I think they're particularly loyal and relatively good-natured.
5. If you were a toy or a game, what would you be and why?
No comment. [insert sweet but mysterious smile here]