
Pins + Needles

    Anticipation is driving me insane. How can I break this down for you? Hmm. Let me put it this way: I do not want to be here anymore. I want to be in Miami, right now. Work is boring. I want to be in the sun, where it's warm, and where no one wants anything from me that involves books or goddamned OCLC records. I feel like it's all I can do just to focus my eyes on the poor wretch who's making the mistake of talking to me; I'm snapping peoples' heads off for asking simple questions. Yargh. I shouldn't have planned to work today, but I'd be a mess at home, pacing and wandering and wishing for tomorrow.
    I'm eating lunch at my desk. There's just a ton for me to get done before I go, so it would be even more ridiculous than usual for me to pretend that I need a fucking hour to eat a PB&J and some carrots. The director seems to be holding a committee meeting (of the Board of Trustees) in her office, which is across a little 6' foyer from my office. I closed my door so they wouldn't hear my music. This morning we listened to my Hodge-Podge mix from Wolfgang. Mostly reasonable stuff from the late '90s and early '00s, but a bit of it isn't really for public consumption. "My Own Worst Enemy" by Lit, for instance:
Can we forget about the things I said
When I was drunk
I didn't mean to call you that
I can't remember what was said or what you threw at me
Please tell me, please tell me Why
My car is in the front yard,
And I'm Sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night
And you're gone
It's no surprise to me I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me
The smoke alarm is going off,
And there's a cigarette Still burning,
Please tell me why my car is in the front yard
And I'm sleeping with my clothes on
Came in through the window last night and you're gone
Gone please tell me why my car is in the front yard
And I'm sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
It's no surprise to me
I am my own worst enemy
'Cause every now and then I kick the living shit out of me
Can we forget about the things I said
When I was drunk
I didn't mean to call you that
It reminds me a lot of my sordid late teens and early 20s, when I'd get home but wasn't sure quite how I'd done it. Or when I'd do my laundry and pull something out of the dryer that I knew I'd worn, but that I didn't know exactly how I'd acquired. Sometimes the details would sink in over time (and more often than not I'd prefer that they hadn't), and sometimes others would fill in the blanks. Even now a lot of it is a mystery. I guess I'm an object lesson in the power of redemption.
    Another song in the mix that we managerial types probably shouldn't be crankin' on company time: "Hash Pipe" by Weezer.
    Since coworker T left and I'm alone, I put in Powderfinger & Mix for Amy, also from Wolfgang. I'm feeling a little sad and lonesome for my Wolfy. His birthday was last weekend. I haven't talked to him in ages, probably since our lunch out at Pantera. This is a great mix: very Australian, very Wolfy, and it takes me back to how I felt when we were really close. Here's the playlist:
    1. My Happiness - Powderfinger
    2. The Metre - Powderfinger
    3. Trading Places - Powderfinger
    4. Passenger - Powderfinger
    5. Pick You Up - Powderfinger
    6. d.a.f. - Powderfinger
    7. Living Type - Powderfinger
    8. The Day You Came - Powderfinger
    9. Already Gone - Powderfinger
    10. My Kind of Scene - Powderfinger
    11. True Tears of Joy - Hunters & Collectors
    12. Throw Your Arms Around Me - Hunters & Collectors
    13. Holy Grail - Hunters & Collectors
    14. Blind Eye - Hunters & Collectors
    15. When the River Runs Dry - Hunters & Collectors
    16. Throw Your Arms Around Me - Pearl Jam
    17. Yellow Ledbetter - Pearl Jam
    I knew I needed a vacation, but that sense was reinforced yesterday when I was drafting a memo to the staff, reminding them of something that they've been told several times, yet they persist in willfully ignoring. The [draft] memo includes the phrases "If you do, I'll come after you..." and "...I will kick your idiotic ass." As tempting as that is, it's probably not the route I want to take if I'm looking for compliance. Or continued employment.
    Speaking of that, I guess I should get back to work. Boo.

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