
secrets & lies, and a plan for the betterment of oneself

    There was some bloggish intrigue earlier this week. Some hackitude. Some sense that all is not right in this little created world. I took steps to protect it, but they were later revealed to be only illusory changes. A paradigm shift is in order. Nothing dramatic, really, just belated acceptance of what I've been told all along - a bit of care along the line will prevent me from sweating and fearing reprisals in the future.
    Anyway, thanks to those who offered support, concern, technical advice, or merely asked where the blog text went for a day or so. It's awfully nice to know that someone is on the other end.
    Moving on.
    Miami. Mmmm. Departure in 4 days, 1 hour and 50 minutes, give or take. In contemplating how the too-short days there will be spent, I've decided only one formal thing: I will undertake to try Something New at least once per day, and at least ten times overall, while on this trip. I've become sedate and stuck in my ways, and I want to e-x-p-a-n-d, mentally and culturally. The main inspiration for this has been discussions with a particular friend who bemoans my tiny, pedestrian palate. I told him I'd try a new food each day when I went to Santa Fe, last year. He wasn't at all impressed when, of the new things I'd tried, the one that I liked the best was Sun Chips. Well, I'd never had them before, so they were new to me, and I didn't realize that one can get them at any grocery store anyplace in the country! So I've grasped that the food idea is too narrow, and there's too great a probability for failure there. I want to return from my vacation with good stories, not a sense that I've let anyone else (or myself!) down. So I'll do something new, something "that I wouldn't have done before", at least once a day, and I'll try to come back with ten stories of new things to share. This isn't going to be a safe little trip of shopping malls and major museums. [Friend] T has already asserted that we're going to put the concierge to work, making arrangements for us. With any luck, that'll result in a vicarious trip to Florida for anyone who wants to take one.

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