

H. Full of attitude.

* My efforts to learn HTML are coming along slowly but surely. So far I can change colors and make corrections. If I ever learn how to center on a line I'll consider myself a pro.
* Go Cubs! But what's the deal with the DL tradeoff? Maddux didn't have to injure himself just as Prior was coming off! At least the relievers have been getting enough rest that they've been able to do their jobs lately. (Thanks to Zambrano & Clement.)
* The 'ole local river looks like an actual river since it's been raining by the foot rather than the inch lately. The weather's been ferocious. Everyone (OK, nearly everyone) is ready for some calm skies and sunshine.
* It's June! Lots of new books coming out in June. The finale of the Slightly series. Ten Big Ones. Stephen King's new one, Song of Susannah, the 6th (?) of the Dark Tower series.
* Sunday's shopping trip may happen next Saturday, possibly to be combined with a raku pottery event in the G suburb.
* I've been thinking a lot about elephants today. They live a long time. They have tough skin. And they never forget.

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