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files on my desk near the thesis computer
This stack of files (and other highly-important stuff) is on the desk next to my thesis computer. Photo of books about evil, juxtaposed with box of notecards with pictures of chickens on the front
Photo of books about evil, juxtaposed with box of notecards with pictures of chickens on the front
Sometimes the bleakness of my books has to be broken up by something unexpected, like a box of chicken notecards.
Photo of stuffed pig hanging by its neck from a white ribbon from cat shelf
When I was in college, I dated a guy--very briefly--who came to be represented by this little piggy.

Photo of stuffed animal pig hanging from a ribbon
The pig now hangs from a shelf upon which my cats enjoy the sun.
Photo of different stuffed pig hannging by its tail from a safety pin in a window frame
While I was taking these photos I realized that there's another pig hanging in the house. How weird is that?!
Photo of shelf of vases, etc. and small books
Finally, this is a shelf of some glass things and odd-sized (and subjected!) books.

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