
Things I've Seen, etc.

    People sometimes ask me why I haven't made the commitment to get an MLS [yet]. The 15 June 2004 issue of Library Journal provided a good answer to that:
Top 10 Annoying Responses When You Tell Someone You're in Library School:
10. I'd love to be a librarian because libraries are so quiet.
9. I thought about becoming a librarian, but I need enough income to support myself.
8. You need a graduate degree for that?
7. I thought the Internet put libraries out of business.
6. Don't you have enough college degrees now?
5. I think it's wonderful that you can pursue a hobby like that.
4. You have to go to college for that?
3. I don't see much purpose to libraries; I buy all my books at Costco.
2. I'd love to be a librarian because I'd love to read at work.
1. You have to go to school for that?
[Jane G. Gresham, School of Information Resources & Library Science, U of A, Tucson]

Found at: Friday's Feast via the Meme Freak and Sweet Memes.

The Meme: The Feast

Appetizer: What is your middle name? Would you change any of your names if you could? If so, what would you like to be called?
My middle name is [redacted]. I'd change it. It came from my mom's sister--her favorite sister, I thought--and I loved that when I was younger. When my mom had cancer and my aunt didn't visit or call, having a part of her as part of me became significantly less valuable.
Besides, this name? It's either childish or good for porn. The main value to me has always been in filling out forms - it's short. Let's just say that I don't find my name to be representative of the way that I see myself.

Soup: If you were a fashion designer, which fabrics, colors, and styles would you probably use the most?
Leather, linen, cotton. Black, blue, gray, white. Styles - ouch, I can't say 'cause T's got me scared of my own style shadow. Tee hee

Salad: What is your least favorite chore, and why?
Cleaning the cat box. If you've cleaned a cat box, you know why. If you haven't, you don't need to know.

Main Course: What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life?
When I was pretty young our neighbor's dog (a German Shepherd mix) had a large litter of puppies. I didn't know anything about dogs, and ran across the yard to get someone's attention. The mother dog instantly go up in defense of her pups and attacked me. I wasn't injured, but I've never really lost that sense of fear.

Dessert: Where are you sitting right now? Name 3 things you can see at this moment.
At my desk at work. I can see about a thousand pieces of paper, 6 bizarre CDs needing original records and my tiny, cute mobile phone.

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