
Thursday Threesome - built just for me!

From the "School Daze" Division:
::School Bus Stop::

Onesome: School-- Since the school year seems to be over (your mileage may vary: some of you are already in summer sessions!): what was your favorite year in school? Yeah, the one you had the best time in or learned something special or had that learning breakthrough?

My favorite year in school was my senior year. I'd finally developed into something other than an abject dweeb so I had something to do every night that I wanted to be "out". I worked more than 20 hours a week so I had a ton of money to spend on all my bad habits--mostly gas and boys. And even though I was busier than I'd ever been, my grades were also excellent. It was a great year.

Twosome: Bus-- Hey, how did you get to school in the early years? Walk? Bike? Mommy van? Bus? ...and for those still attending, how are you getting to and fro these days?

Bus. We lived 7 miles outside of town on the top of a hill. My bus came at 7:25 AM and half the time I was 3/4 asleep for the trip. I wouldn't get home until almost 4:00. I had some truly good friends on that bus, though.

Threesome: Stop-- ...and when did you stop going to school? ...or did you? Are you still at it? Amy plans to go back for those who are out of the system?

Did anyone else read that closely and see that my name is there rather than "Any"? I think that's fucking priceless. As for my answer to this question, I'm still not goddamned through editing my thesis, so I'm still going. And I always think of going back, or what the next degree might be. Everybody needs a Ph.D., right? If only someone would pay me enough that I'd feel like I could stop looking for something else...

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