
Thursday Threesome

::Capricious: Governed or characterized by impulse or whim, lacking rational basis or likely to change suddenly::

Onesome: Characterized by impulse--Do you consider yourself impulsive or do you tend to think everything through before you make a move?
I like to consider myself thoughtful and contemplative, but my true nature is increasingly coming through. I'm impulsive, and I'm more often pleased and comfortable with the results when I just go with my instincts rather than overthinking.

Twosome: lacking rational basis--If you are impulsive, do you rationalize and justify your actions? Like, since that item you bought on a whim was on sale, you really saved money by buying it?
I guess I was looking at it in a more long-term fashion, but yeah, I do rationalize. How can you not? Otherwise you're saying, "I'm not in control of myself and that's fine with me."  What a scary thought.

Threesome: or likely to change suddenly--When you make up your mind, does it stay made up or do you tend to change your mind at the last minute? ...or do you waffle back and forth until you're forced to decide?
There's some waffling, but only because I know what I want and my Id's working to talk my superego out of talking me out of it. I shouldn't say "waffling" then--it's more like debate, but from the start I know who's going to win. Maybe it seems to others like I waffle and change my mind at the last minute, but I know all along what the decision will be.

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