

~ An individual came into the library yesterday to pay on an overdue notice. Actually it was a lost book. Not so rare, really, except that the book was due on 10th February 1998. The book's been lost for 6 years, 5 months, 4 days! The bill went to collections on 6th May 1998! What could have spurred the desire to pay after all this time? So weird.
~ A different individual wanders about the library this morning. Long hair in a very loose knot at the back of her head, many tendrils dropping out. Athletic t-shirt. Baggy knit pants. Very obviously not wearing anything under the above-mentioned clothing. When I casually spotted her from a distance of about...30 yards? my knee-jerk thought was, "jbf". Remember those girls in college who you'd see walking home in the morning wearing a guy's t-shirt, sometimes even carrying a pillow, hair mussed up but still in half of a going-out up-do? Yawning and half grumpy/half, er, sedate looking? We used to call that the "jbf" look. I don't know how much of this I need to spell out. I guess I could say that the first word is just. And the second is been. Surprised? I doubt it.
~ I'm having one of those "today is the first day of the rest of your life" feelings. Perhaps it's just because everything's been so up in the air, or upside down, lately. But the weather's good (low 70s, bright sun and no clouds at all--a huge improvement on yesterday's strong storms that produced tornadoes in mid-Flat and in the Cheese state), I had no email other than my usual machine-generated stuff (comics, bloggish nonsense), I'm getting a great deal of work accomplished, one of my more enjoyable coworkers is here, the prospect of spending a quiet and companionable evening with T exists, and someone sent a long, rambling message yesterday that very much complements a long, rambling message that some Anonymous-type person sent a week or so ago. Reminding me that there's more to think about than the negative, certainly, but also that actions have consequences. Maybe it's just one of those times where reflection, rather than action, is in order.
    Time to whittle away at the heaps of work. For the first time in a while, though, they're not bringing me down. They're just there. Mind like water. Think I can get there?

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