
Just a Snit More

    My brain is empty. The grant report is finished, trundling itself to the State Library thanks to several hours of work on Sunday and the great majority of today (7+ hours) writing and revising. And no thanks to the "Project Director," those quotation marks being used in the most ironic of ways since the only time she lifted a finger was to sign her name to take the credit for the project--I did all the rest.
    Thanks to that, the remainder of my Things to Do list is intact. All of it. I cannot imagine ever being able to catch up. And tomorrow's practically a throw-away day, beginning as it is with a consortium meeting. This area should prepare for a freak snowstorm: I am driving to big city. I can only hope that there won't be any stories to tell. (Although there's already one, since I just remembered that I left the one thing that I really needed to bring to the meeting taped to my desk at work. Fuck. I guess I'll make a quick dash to town before heading to big city.) After the meeting, I'm to enjoy a leisurely lunch with The Cat. That can be translated to "Trying to cram two months' worth of face-to-face friendship into an hour or so of eating and yapping--probably not bacon this time!--somewhere 'within easy driving distance' of the 'R-ford Service Center,' which is somehow not descriptive of an automotive-related business." After which she will reconvene with her colleagues for an afternoon session of PALS-101 (a sort of mega-consortial orientation, the primary purpose of which, in my understanding, is to distribute the crap-assed CDs that the record companies are giving away as the result of the price-gauging settlement. I, on the other hand, will dash back to the office (37.5 miles on some of the worst roads anyone could have conceived, one of which has inexplicably been covered with crushed rock, rendering it narrow, steep, twisting, and now slippery. Swell, eh?) for a rousing afternoon of processing my fingers to the bone. It seems that my library was given some sort of enormous donation relating to children's books about dinosaurs & other boney stuff. There's a program about it tomorrow evening. The books that were purchased with the donation are expected to be displayed at the program. This is something about which I was told...today. Yeah, today. Fucking today. In the midst of writing the report and grumbling about how overworked I am already. I was thrilled to know that tomorrow will be overtaken by goddamned dinosaur books that have 1/4" spines and are likely to circulate 10 times max before they discombobulate and are discarded. Peachy.
    At least I have Friday to look forward to. Fridays are going to be fun from now on. I can't say why exactly, but I know that they'll be fun.
    I should be mixing a CD for a friend, or finishing the manicure that I started yesterday (my patience for my nails knows no bounds these days). Or even opening the present that I received earlier today from a colleague. Instead, I'm eating a leftover Blast (strawberry-pineapple, which reminds me very happily of homemade sundaes from my childhood) from Ollie's and sniping about work. I've got to stop the bitching. Perhaps tomorrow.
    For now, I will share three funny things that I "discovered about myself" with the aid of Quizilla....

Your Element is Fire. 
You have a strong,
independent, fiery personality and you
obviously don't let others push you around.
You like being in charge and don't care what
other people think. In fact, you like to stand
out and be yourself. You're probably shy when
people first meet you but you're a ball of energy
that could explode at any given moment. You
like to laugh and whether you admit it or not,
you like to fight. You're a personality that is
wild and untamable. 
You're a beauty who is physically fit 
and a little sexy and you have a very pretty face.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla
via Sweet Memes

[Er, yeah. That's what I was thinking. Fire. Unh huh. Has anyone ever heard of Norwegian-English "fire"?]
You have an angry soul! 
Angry Souls aren't always
angry, but they cannot easily forgive and hold
grudges. You probably often get in fights with
your friends and family, and its difficult for
you to understand. When someone makes a
mistake, you don't let go easily and hold on to
those memories. You're very stubborn and your
rage is known to everyone. Though you never
actually mean it, you can say mean things in a
fight and go overboard. Many people are
sometimes intimidated by your anger. But you
have many redeeming qualities and those are
that you are quite intelligent and smart. You
would make a good businesswoman or lawyer
because you know how to prove your point. You
cherish the ones around you, and appreciate
life, even though you can complain or throw a
tantrum now and then. The good things is, you
keep your emotions very outspoken, and are
normally a very happy person because all your
rage is let on the outside. Anger is simply a
state, but you, yourself, as a person, are great.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla
via Sweet Memes

[I would make the perfect goddamned lawyer. What kind of thing is that to say to a person?!]

Safe Bugger...
Either one: your car is a piece of crap, or two:
you're a fairly safe driver. You speed at
times, but are careful to watch for cops and
idiots when you do. You're not the moron
speeding by, and you're not the idiot. You're
one of the few drivers who alternate between
the two. To the idiots, you're the moron. To
the moron, you're the idiot. Keep up the good work.

Which driver are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
[Pardon me, but I'm laughing my ass off at that one. "You're pissing everyone off. Keep up the good work." That's too good.]

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