
No Time Like...

You've been waiting patiently (well, some of you have been patient!) for the results of the "There's nothing sexier than..." poll. Your wish is my command.

There's nothing sexier than...
  • ...the right voice, saying the right thing (or even nothing at all)
  • ...someone who is self-assured but not arrogant
  • ...well-built men's thighs in tight jeans
  • ...someone who is self-sufficient but not unable to commit
  • ...someone who doesn't realize that they're sexy, or how sexy they are
  • ...someone who is healthy but can talk about things besides health or fitness
  • "...a man who grabs the side of your face before he kisses you"
  • ...someone who can admit being wrong, and ask for help before getting into an untenable situation
  • ...self-confidence
  • ...someone whose eyes you fall into whenever you look into them
  • ...a guy who's fixing things (right, i.e. correctly)
  • ...a shirt stretched tightly across a guy's chest (with no overlapping/sticking-out gut below)
  • ...nice hands (long fingers)
  • "...seeing Ralph's back"
  • ...the cigarette girls at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas
  • ...well-kept facial hair (on a guy!)
  • ...the right words
  • ...a smile (corny, but still true)
  • ...a man in a tight, white t-shirt (not a wife-beater)
  • ...an offensive line waiting for the snap
  • "...confidence, but garter belts come close"
  • ...a woman who has feet that are as sexy as the rest of her body and mind

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