
Thursday Threesome #262

::Surprises in the Mail::

Onesome: Surprises-- Hey, do you like surprises? ...and what kinds? Birthday parties, dinners out? ...or are you one of those people who absolutely has to know what's going on before it happens?
    I like surprises, but only good ones. Is that self-evident? I've had some surprises lately that have arrived in the form of shocks, which I could've done without. But the everyday surprise is welcome.
    Birthday parties--no thanks. There was a surprise party for my 24th and it was horrid. Too many people from too many points in my life converging, so I couldn't just be the guest of honor--I had to mediate, explain and translate. It was uncomfortable for everyone involved. The only good things about it were drinking from the pitcher at each bar that we went to, getting my Brothers mug (from the bar called Brothers) without having to ring the damned bell, and seeing Chris K from the Produce department.
Twosome: in the-- nick of time: How do you keep track of birthdays and anniversaries and events you need to remember but only occur once a year? ...and where is your bailout place for cards and such when you've cut things a little too close?
    I have one of those memories, so I can usually just remember birthdays and things. My mom gave me a Hallmark card-keeper that has a space for each date of the year, so I have a master-list, but I don't refer to it very often. That's more for keeping track of my cousins' kids. (I have way too many cousins, and they have way too many kids.) Hallmark cards, always; my standards are high.
Threesome: Mail-- Mail Call! Did anything interesting show up lately besides the bills? ...and do letters and cards still make it to your place or have email and ecards taken it all over? Inquiring minds and all that...
    I've gotten 2 thank-you cards this week, one from someone whom I used to babysit who just finished an important segment of medical school [fuck, I feel old] and one from a friend whose birthday was last week. I probably average one piece of personal mail each week--but I send at least one out, too. I'll be stopping at the PO tomorrow on the way to work to drop off packages heading to Colorado and New York (and a goddamned thesis, Expressing to The Mitten, a little bit late). You can't win if you don't enter. And "the joy is in the playing."

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