
Thursday Threesome #265

::Cool, blue mornings::

Onesome: Cool-- Well, summer is almost gone (except for those Down Under who are expecting it soon), and the cooler weather is coming. ...and other than those who live in places like Hawai'i, things are about to change. Which do you prefer, the coolness of Winter where you live or the warmth of your Summer?
    I like the changes--the sense that what is won't be for long.
Twosome: Blue-- Today's softball: blue or green? Pick one! ...okay, if it's a tie (high or low), what color do you prefer for decorating or accents?
    Blue. Sooooooo blue. It's a theme with me.
Threesome: Mornings-- Mornings, afternoons, evenings, nights... What's your favorite time of day? ...and what makes it so for you?
    Night! If I could, I'd sleep 'til noon or one, wake up very slowly, start working around mid- to late-afternoon, and get my best work done really late (1:00 or 2:00 in the morning). I'd drink more alcohol, of course, but I'd also probably get more sleep overall, be much more social, and feel less like I was swimming against the current. I've always been a child of the night--maybe this 'intersection' means, in part, that it's time to get back to that.

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