
Thursday Threesome 11-11-04

::World Weary Traveler::

Onesome: World-- Okay, you've been here; you've been there. ...or maybe not. Is there someplace you think it would be cool to spend a holiday? Christmas in the Alps? St. Patrick's Day in Erie? Oh, sure, take the entire family if you'd like!
    Hmmm. I'm thinking perhaps Thanksgiving on the west coast? ; )
    Nah. There's no place to be but home for the holidays.

Twosome: Weary-- Have you ever had to deal with jet lag? How have you handled it? ...and which direction is worse for you, going East or going West? Just curious...
    I've never been jet-lagged, or if I have, I've just chalked it up to normal headaches or something. I'm not fond of the travel part of traveling, but I usually like being there.

Threesome: Traveler-- When you've traveled, what conveyance has bothered you the most? That camel in Morocco? The train ride through the Rockies? Your brother-in-law's Dodge? What just set your nerves on edge?
    I'm terrified of CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) buses, although that fear is from the outside, not the inside. If I ever die in a car crash, it'll be because I've been hit by one of those screaming assholes in the oversized death-mobiles.
    As for things in which to ride, I'd have to say...a shuttle van in Washington, D.C. Ungodly. The other passenger was drunk off his ass, and I wished I was, too.

Sheesh, this wasn't too chipper, was it??

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