
Not Much, Last Night

~ Heard, last night: "This too shall pass...like a stone, from your kidney."
~ Said, last night: "I feel like hell. I don't ever want to feel better, because if I do, I'll have lost the only bit that I have of the only thing I'll ever want."
    [And what the fuck does that mean?! Thank God I wrote it down, or the world would've lost something terribly precious, don't you think?]
~ Watched last night: thunderstorm. I love hard winter rain—it feels like universal punishment, rather than the usual too-specific form.
~ Pondered last night: full-body tattoos. Not gonna do it.
~ Accomplished last night: Vacuum cleaner repair. Bathroom vanity door repair. CD rack adjustment. Complete overhaul of office filing system. Shower. Near completion of ongoing CD mixing project. Dinner, prepared and eaten. 3 pictures hung. Photograph unearthed for frame. South American poetry book read.

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