
More Pictures

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Table where I drop my keys, sunglasses & phone. (Note the ginormous box of paper + cardboard to be taken outside for recycling.):
The couch. Circled in black are my beloved Oakleys, in their case. Circled in red is my even more beloved Coach purse, which I won't even set on the floor. And circled in yellow is the major drawback to the microsuede couch: the ass-print.
My goddamned Ikea chair. Until my dining room table arrives...er, until I have arrived at a filing system, I have taken to using the ottoman as a sort of sorting area for bills, etc.:
The 'recreation area' of the living room. Still haven't found a TV stand in my non-gag range. The rest of that rubble is either Christmas presents for me that I need to write thank you notes for, or Christmas presents for other people that I need to wrap and/or send.
Kitchen. The site of my greatest disorder so far. Well, not greatest, I guess, but...it's pretty messy. And imagine what it'll look like filled with a cafe table and 8 slightly-shorter-than-barstool-height chairs!
Laundry and short-term Christmas storage. I just couldn't stand having the tree up and out for one more moment. But man, I love that laundry.
Between laundry + bathroom: Groucho, Rothkos, and media storage--of course!
Cavernous "powder room"--and about 2/3 of my CDs:
Bathroom storage solution--tres girlie!
Kitchen and entrance to main BR:
Entrance to main BR, sans flash to show photograph detail:
Photos and books in the main BR:
More photos in the main BR:
One of the Crate & Barrel bookshelves in the main bedroom. See also some of the Asian ink drawing collection, cows-on-parade collection, and the heresy collection [Buddha paired with Piglet in a communion cup, balanced on cat print].
More books & Asian cats:
Another collection: hats. Don't worry--I don't wear them.
Another hat, another C&B shelf of books, etc., and the framed photos that don't hang on the wall. (They're waiting patiently for me to buy a dresser.)
Books (yup, I need more bookcases, too), OPI (mmm, nail polish!), and my blessed humidifier:
Alfred Stieglitz took this photograph, called 'Bodieson & Riley,' about 50 years before my former cats came into existence. P & H resemble the cats in the photograph to a remarkable degree.
My bed.
Some of the photographs in the second bedroom, which will be the office. I've darkened a couple to retain the privacy of the children who are pictured.
More office pictures:
Have I mentioned that the office is a complete disaster area? Well, it is.
Note the shark (complete with yellow Sharpie--and what's the fucking point of a yellow Sharpie, I ask you?!--and the stuffed pig on the top of that heap 'o boxes of books):
A bit more of the office, showing that there's a tiny bit of organization interspersed through the overwhelming disarray. I bought the photograph of the Depot when I was home at Christmas.
The worst of it, I think. My desk. And "desk" is an overstatement--it's a Danish cubelet, almost functionless, heavier than you might imagine, but truly gorgeous up close. And now I have a chair to sit in, since I'm such a fucking genius with tools! tee hee...
The end.

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