
a great gift

I have been given a great gift, by perhaps one of the best friends I'll ever have. "Johnnie Walker" 'gave' me a dildo. [Ye gods, I can only imagine what this'll do to my search strategy posts!] Without further ado...
  1. Have you ever used toys or other things during sex?
  2. Given that my blog's not the type of blog upon which this sort of thing is discussed, I'm somewhat leery of answering this question. But hey, in the spirit of gift-giving, what the hell?

  3. Would you consider using dildos or other sexual toys in the future?
  4. Under the right circumstances, with the right person, given that it's the right... item, why not?

  5. What is the kinkiest fantasy you have yet to realize?
  6. Outdoors, in the rain. In private! In the right circumstances, with the right person, etc. and so forth.

  7. Who gave you this dildo?
  8. As indicated above, the amazingly "generous" J.W.B.

  9. Who are the ones to receive this dildo from you?
  10. Since it's better to give than to receive, I send it to the following blog people:
    • J.R. ('cause it wouldn't fit in the box that I sent today--did I win the Christmas box derby?)
    • Robert ('cause you're fairly freaky, in an utterly decorous sort of way)
    • The Cat ('cause I'm laughing my ass off just imagining you dealing with this on your blog)

    and these non-blog people:
    • Sleek ('cause he needs something, and he's not going to get himself laid)
    • K ('cause milkshakes don't travel well)
    • lisping coworker ('cause... you're not going to be afraid of it)

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