
Rare Photoblog

Something new:
My new couch and chair. They're huge. They're not just plunked in the middle of the apt. anymore, though. Just wanted you to see them. And--as this is the first shot of the new place--the new place, too. The kitchen's still utter mayhem.
Something a little older: Christmas with friends.
My feet, warming before the [gas-log] fire in the brand-new house of my friends, while college BFF & I talked about my triumphs and woes and her husband entertained their 3-year-old through a bath (in the jacuzzi--lucky kid!) and Dora the explorer (which I likened to Hitler Youth, something that my friend found more than a bit disturbing).
Her collection of glass eggs and orbs. Not sure how she feels about it, but I started it years ago (before I could really afford it) and have continued it for every Christmas and birthday since.
The newest orb.
Something slightly older: The ill-fated basement apartment.
The bedroom. What you can't see, to the right, is the bath-, er, segment. Of the room. 'Cause there wasn't a separate bathroom. It was a part of the bedroom. Sigh.
Tiny, tiny, ridiculous kitchen.
Living room, stuffed full of my stuff. Which I didn't even bother to unpack, even though I was trying to live there. What a debacle.
The fireplace, which was thought to be gassing me out. Someone who later proved to not care about me so much as I once thought, was seriously concerned about the threat posed by the fireplace.

I'll post more pictures of the new apartment when it's more tidy. That would be...soonish, I guess. A goal!

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