
do what you can, with what you have, where you are

Lifetime Television is sponsoring an online petition that will be delivered to Congress, urging passage of the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act. This will allow each patient and her doctor[s] (rather than insurance providers) to determine the appropriate length of her post-mastectomy hospital stay. It also requires payment for a second opinion. It mandates payment for inpatient coverage. And it ensures that lumpectomy will not be discouraged as a treatment option in favor of a less-costly but more invasive mastectomy.

"Sign this petition. By doing so, you'll ensure that women who are diagnosed with breast cancer won't have to worry about being forced out of the hospital after undergoing a mastectomy! The Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act of 2005 will guarantee that women and their physicians, not insurance companies, will decide when they are ready to go home. So voice your support now — with your signature. Lifetime will deliver your signature, along with the millions of others, to Congress. Please add your name to the list to help get this legislation passed."

It requires only your first and last name and your ZIP code. It will take you five seconds. It could make a real difference.

Sign the petition. Do what you can.

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