
this one struck me funny.

(Swiped from The Cat, who swiped from Janet)

My roommate and I once: built The World's Best Pizza, with the help of a very drunken friend, while we all consumed an unreal number of Mickey's Big Mouths and a bag of Tostitos and a jar of salsa (we were hungry! making pizza is hard work!). The pizza was so heaped with toppings that it took forever to bake, but it was totally worth it. Best damned pizza ever.
    (She wasn't really my roommate, but she was at the house so often that she could as well have been. Thank God for her. Him, too, but especially for her.)
Never in my life have I: missed someone as much as I do now.
High school was: painfully memorable. Or memorably painful, depending on how you look at it.
When I am nervous: my eyelid twitches.
My hair: does whatever it wants to these days. It seems to have a mind of its own. Some days, I have froofy beauty pageant hair. Some days, I have stylish limp straw. (Today it was wild and wavy.)
When I was 5: I celebrated my birthday and trembled through my first day of school on the same day.
By this time next year: I will be just over a year away from paying off my student loans.
My favorite aunt is: just a person. Fallible like everyone else.
I have a hard time understanding: insensitivity, and disregard for integrity.
You know I like you if: I tell you, in words or deeds. I'm no good at keeping that sort of secret.
My ideal breakfast is: blueberry pancakes, bacon, iced tea, and thee.
If you visit my hometown: you may never want to leave.
If you spend the night at my house: then we're really good friends, because it's an exclusive lodging.
My favorite blond is: whatever my favorite mixologist, Lori, creates at the moment. Our next meeting is Friday.
My favorite brunette is: Nick.
The animal I would like to see flying is: pigs.
I shouldn't have been: so quick to ask for the keys, and I shouldn't have been so slow to ask for what I needed.
Last night: I stopped reading the book that's had my attention for two weeks, because I couldn't stand the thought of it ending. There are only a couple of pages left. Maybe tomorrow.
I've been told I look like: Drew Barrymore, Helen Hunt, Susan Sarandon, or "a [devilish] librarian."
If I could have any car it would be: a Jaguar XKR convertible in 'Lunar Gray' with Slate Blue/Ivory Interior (with Aluminum trim)--approximate MSRP with options, $100,075.

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