
a-whole-nuther memorable vacay

    The usual routine, way back when I was in the Big Relationship, was that we would always drive pretty much as fast as possible so that we could spend the maximum amount of time wherever it was that we were going, rather than even one extra second on the road. One memorable exception was a trip back to the Mitten State from my home state. For some reason that I no longer recall, we were planning to stay with friends in the Flat State but were not in a major hurry, so we decided to take the long way south. Rather than driving on the interstate, we took the River Road.
    It was lovely.
    When we stopped for lunch in some teeny town in the Cheese State, the local park (near the river) just had to be photographed. Gorgeous.
crooked tree and two close banksnot a bridge for the phobic!crooked tree, closerthe graceful curve    I haven't been back there. It's only 180 miles.... Maybe I'll come back that way the next time I go to the home state.

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