
a journey to the land where time stops

    Here's my day: I was awakened at 6-something by the alarm, a half hour early. Awake and out of bed and I've already eaten breakfast. I should be in the shower, preparing for the day, but instead I'm looking out the window (more about that in a minute).
    I'm supposed to attend the yearly face-to-face meeting of my section of our work group today. It is a conference of around 35-50 "people just like me." Only there won't be anyone just like me there--all of my friends are either no longer working in my work group or aren't coming to the meeting for one reason or another. It's just me.
    I could just go to work. It would mean saving a drive of 75 miles almost straight south into the middle fucking nowhere. Thanks to a management meeting yesterday I'm a half day behind already this week (on top of my new "no worky Mondays" schedule).
    I could just stay home. In the spirit of Ladies... I've begun to focus on the distracting scenery rather than the annoying noise at the construction site next door; there is a mason who could brick something for me anytime. (Yes, that was a terrible line. No, I do not care. Yes, he is that cute.) I could sit in my office (at home) and watch him slather bricks with...brick goo...and make misogynistic commentary with his cadre of comrades all day.
    Instead, I'm off to the showers, mentally plotting my "screw you and the HAL and QLL horses you rode in on" wardrobe, weighing the costs and benefits of lugging my laptop in the hopes that the room will have wireless connectivity allowing me to live-blog the event, contemplating another meal of crappy cafeteria food because I'm not cool enough to leave campus to buy lunch and I will literally not have any friends there (sigh), and becoming more pissed by the minute that I have to move out of the line of sight of this guy, who really is quite adorable. He laughs like some kind of jungle animal, but he's cuter than hell.
    Yeah. It's going to be quite a day. I'll write again from the institutional confines, or else from work after my return. Hope everyone else has a good day.

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