
that is one hunky, hunky mason

The Cat asked for pictures of the yummy mason. Purely in the interest of acquiescing to her wishes...
no, not really. I'd already taken a couple before she even asked:

huh...?wha...?    Unfortunately, as occasionally happens with "surveillance photos", these turned out for crap. (He is the blue blob roughly in the center of the frame, by the way.) I knew immediately that I would need to take more.
    Lucky for me, I had the opportunity. Yet again, this morning, I woke to his rather, um, unique laugh, directly below my bedroom window. It's like a chipmunk on Ecstasy, I think. Or a beaver on acid. I'm not certain. All I know is that when I hear it, I think "rodent" and "drugs". But he's really fucking hot, so, who cares?
    I hauled my sleepy self out of bed, grabbed a glass of orange juice (thought it might help me focus?) and the camera, remembered to set the flash to the Off setting, thank God!, and set to work. It's a damned good thing I was available to do it today, too, because they were packing up the brick stuff and heading out! The masonry phase of the construction has been completed. Waaaaaaah!
    So. Without further ado--here's The Brick Guy. No, wait, let me amend that. He is my brick guy:
isn't he adorable?gaaa, from the back...pushing a really heavy plank onto a trailerdriving the forkliftdamn. I mean, climbing the ladderno, he wasn't looking right at me, but thanks for askingcuter than heckSo. There you go, Cat! Enjoy!

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