
girls' day out

all Russian sailors have dark blue nails, don't you know?
    Went shopping with The Cat today. It was not my intention to buy Christmas presents, specifically, so I don't feel too bad about the fact that I got a couple of things along that line and otherwise shopped for myself.
    I got some OPI nail polish, from the Russian Collection, called "Russian Navy."
    We went to Wilsons Leather to see one of my very best friends. Whenever I'm there, I ogle the goods, but I rarely buy. (Who can afford it, really?) Today, however, I was in the right frame of mind, and I found a couple of things that both fit my mood and budget (well, within reason). I got a gorgeous smooth leather handbag called the "Mano Side Hardware Bag," in tan.
see the hardware? isn't it sturdy?And the Basic Mini Bag...in ruby! Now I just need some ruby boots....
*I* own a red handbag!!!    For those who may have heard rumors: I did not get my eyebrow pierced (no "bra-ring"), nor did I seek out a tattoo parlor today. Y'all will undoubtedly be among the first to know!
    Compared to me, The Cat went completely whole-hog spend-thrifty nuts. By which I mean she left the mall with heavy bags and I did not. I'm hoping that she recovers in time for our next outing.

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