
meandering through my mental recesses

    I'm listening to my iPod, shuffling, through the ear-buds. Which are not in my ears, because my ears are apparently oddly-shaped and so plunging the buds into them feels like brain-scrambling. Why not get different headphones? Because I'm lazy. Why not get the [speaker] dock from the living room? Because I'm lazy.
    The moon is very bright, and close to half. Whatever that means. It's quite noticeable, and very lovely. Distracting.
    I got a letter in the mail today from one of the [two] banks in which I have accounts. Thanking me for renewing the CD that I have with them, and informing me that I've been rewarded with a bonus on my APY of .1% in addition to the rate to which I agreed. The funny part? I didn't renew it...intentionally. I was planning to pull the money. Ooops! This is what happens when I 'check my accounts' while feeling like crap. One little check-box fucks up my plans.
    Best song I've heard in a long time, which makes me laugh (and sing) aloud: "Animals" by Nickelback, from the new CD (All the Right Reasons). ("Rockstar" is pretty funny, too.)
    I'm also ripping CD mixes into iTunes. What a pain in the ass. I don't want to have dozens of duplicates to sort out later, so I'm only adding what's not on already. Beaucoup searching, sometimes adding one song from a CD, blah blah blah. When I'm done, though, my iPod is going to be so much cooler!
    I've started a new OkCupid profile. There was just too much about the original that was...skewed, I guess, toward idealizing Nick. I'd tweaked that profile and persona fairly often while waiting for him to come over or call. That meant either pro- or anti-Nick sentiments were flowing. The new profile is "more like me," if that makes sense. The questions are answered more honestly. The quizzes are chosen with more care. And I've yet to post a photo (since I won't have pictures up on both profiles at once).
    The weird thing? When I compare my own two profiles, the results are sort of freaky. I am "88% Match~90% Friend~2% Enemy" with myself. Well, with my own alter-ego, I suppose. With myself I am either "93% Match~98% Friend~0% Enemy" [new profile] or "94% Match~98% Friend~0% Enemy" [old profile]--the difference may be the 151 additional questions answered on the old profile. In OkC terms, the "new me" is kinkier and the "old me" is more spiritual.
    The weirdest thing? The closest numeric match (85% Match~90% Friend~0% Enemy) that I've seen toward my old profile is even better (86% Match~91% Friend~0% Enemy) with the new one. And yet he's an arrogant prick (also called "douchebag" by one male friend and "asshole" by another, just today!). The OkC guy with whom I feel the most in common, with whom I could most likely have a romantic relationship that actually worked? 45% Match~67% Friend~28% Enemy (old profile), 66% Match~75% Friend~8% Enemy (new). The sad irony? He's not looking for a romantic relationship, because he's already in one. And--of course--he's a mature...ish... guy who's too far on the young side, and not an immature guy my own age. Which is (so I'm told) a more realistic and attractive goal.
    (For comparison purposes, The Cat & I are: 74% Match~82% Friend~18% Enemy [old]; 71% Match~79% Friend~19% Enemy [new]. God forbid we ever find out what the new extra 1% 'enemy' is all about!)
    I've had 3 pots of tea in 12 hours. Luckily for me (and for y'all, I suppose) only one of them contained caffeine, and that was first thing this morning.
    Stayed home from work today. I was marginally sick but mostly just blegh. Work is for the birds. Today I was a cat.
    Speaking of that, why is it that I can read 3 novels in 3 days but can't get through the new Long Range Plan for work, no matter how much time I put into it?

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