

  1. I have come to realize that my butt: attracts more attention than I'd ever imagined. It is *not*, however, that for which I wish to be known.
  2. I have come to realize that when I talk: roughly half of what I say is lost in the ether.
  3. I have come to realize that, if I love someone: I will be hurt. And that it is not enough to make up for what's missing.
  4. I have come to realize that I need: very little, in terms of material things. And my friends, more than anything.
  5. I have come to realize that I lost: a great deal of hope and innocence this past year.
  6. I have come to realize that I hate it when: my apartment is extremely messy.
  7. I have come to realize that if I'm drunk: I am happy, and that scares me kind of a lot.
  8. I have come to realize that marriage: is a subject about which I have retained a great deal of emotion. And that I believe in it--and its inviolability--very much.
  9. I have come to realize that work: is what I do for a living. I want to do what I need for a life.
  10. I have come to realize that I will always be: overly emotional and profoundly sensitive.
  11. I have come to realize that I like: to be alone to a degree that is probably unhealthy.
  12. I have come to realize that the last time I cried was: extremely, extremely vital to my development and my independence.
  13. I have come to realize that my cell phone is: an expensive, cheap piece of crap. The $24 i207 was infinitely superior to my fancy flip.
  14. I have come to realize that, when I wake up in the morning: I always, always, always want more sleep.
  15. I have come to realize that, before I go to sleep at night: I have to reconcile myself with the day--though this sometimes comes in the form of meaningful dreams.
  16. I have come to realize that right now I am thinking about: writing. Isn't that ironic?
  17. I have come to realize that babies: disturb me at a fundamental level.
  18. I have come to realize that today I will: get my apartment back in order, and prehaps finish writing Christmas cards. I refuse to feel guilty.
  19. I have come to realize that tonight I will: not do what I did last night before I went to bed, which was the practical equivalent of slamming my head against the wall. Some people are really impossible.
  20. I have come to realize that tomorrow I will: see the guy about whom I wrote on Friday...and nearly every work day thereafter. More lesson-learning, I suppose. [sigh]
  21. I have come to realize that I really want to: settle something, soon. Work? Love life? Health? Mental health? Financial issues? Plan for the next year? Something.
  22. I have come to realize that working out: sucks but is necessary to parts of the answer to the previous question.
  23. I have come to realize that friends: are family.
  24. I have come to realize that the person who might repost this is: unknown to me; most of my memes are thefts of thefts and I'm often the end of the line. That's fine by me.
[Thanks, Cat. And: you were right about the final answer. :)]

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