
the streak continues

  • I've yet to be on time this year. At work. 20 days, 20 days late. I was 22 minutes late today. Yargh.
  • Part of the reason I was late: I spent 25 minutes curling my hair this morning. It looks unbelievably fabulous.
  • Popeye is turning out to be one of my favorite writers of all time. His blog post from last night is lovely.
  • I'm starting to think that I would be better off growing my own penis than...you know, trying to launch an acquaintance with one in any standard way. What I mean by this is that I receive a great deal of Spam that encourages me to increase the dimensions of my "member." If I took up even one of those options per day, I'd be able to grow (in a pot on my coffee table) one Hell of a dick.
  • Yeah, that was a joke.
  • I just realized that I'd lost an earring back from the world's smallest earrings. Half the staff has been scouring the workplace for the last half hour, seeking a 2mm piece of metal. Gotta love directing the hordes for personal projects. (We haven't found it.)
  • I have a crush.
  • The office mates are happily listening to the new Eagles CD. Just got an email message from Boris, recommending Nine Inch Nails and Nirvana. I put the soundtrack from Juno on the order list this morning. The music collection here is becoming a little strange. Diversity is good, right?
  • We're all hungry and it's only 10:42. (We're talking about donuts, grapes, and crackers.) This does not bode well for the afternoon.
  • I'm eating yogurt. Yogurt is not food. Yogurt is the same sort of healthy torture as raw carrots. I want pizza, and I want it now.
  • It's sunny and bitterly cold outside. My eyebrows froze on my way in from the car. Winter can be DONE now, thanks!
  • The Eagles...I've had enough of the Eagles. When I'm alone in the office, I'll have Audioslave and 3 Doors Down throbbing through the speakers. I just can't deal with mellow, pleasant music for long periods of time.
  • No plans for the weekend yet. I'm open to offers from the peanut gallery.

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