
they call it '111'

State the top eight on your MySpace and answer the questions (since I don't use MySpace, I'm going to list the last 8 people to comment on the blog)
  1. JT
  2. The Cat
  3. Fluffy
  4. J.R.
  5. Molly
  6. Sam
  7. Heidi
  8. Popeye
  1. Is number 6 your best friend? Sam is a very good friend. We're not in the same place - physically or mentally - so it would be difficult to be best friends. She's special, though.
  2. Are you in love with number 2? Oh, good Lord, yes! The Cat is *awesome*!
  3. Have you ever lied to number 4? Not that I can recall. If I did, it would have been something like, "I am *not* falling in love with him!" Which is actually more of a lie against [my own] nature. J.R. would be a difficult person to deceive.
  4. Do you know a secret about number 7? Yup. It's safe with me, Lady H.
  5. Describe the relationship between number 8 and number 5. To my knowledge, Molly & Popeye are blog-friends who have never met, and who now live roughly 1/3 of the Earth apart - but they have similar emotional states. Sort of.
  6. What is the best thing about number 3? Everything. I couldn't pick just one thing if I was held at knife-point. Fluffy is the best.
  7. What is the worst thing about number 1? JT's an irredeemable flirt. Of course, that's also one of his finer points!
  8. When was the last time you saw number 5? I have not yet met Molly in person.
  9. Describe the relationship between number 1 and number 3? JT & Fluffy used to work together, in the same place where I met him. How many years ago was it? Does anyone know? They had a much more adult and civil relationship than I had with him at the time.
  10. Have you ever danced with number 7? Not in so many words, no. But I'm sure Heidi and I have made odd movements while standing together. (We're both a bit on the doofy side.)
  11. How long have you known number 4? 5 years? Longer? Do you know, J.R.?
  12. Have number 2 and number 7 ever dated? No, but if The Cat & Heidi swung for that team they'd be great for each other. Hee hee
  13. Have you ever done drugs with number 1? Um...not exactly. JT and I drank a few beers (1 or 2?) twice.
  14. Have you ever been in a fight with number 8? Nope. Popeye's a stable adult.
  15. Does number 6 have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yup, Sam's taken, and she's very much on the schmoopy angle right now. Which is wonderful, and adorable, and surprising, and lovely. Couldn't happen to a better or more deserving person.
  16. Have you ever been a co-worker with number 3? Yes. Fluffy & I work closely, every day.
  17. Have you ever wanted to punch number 2 in the face? No. And I'm not at all surprised, 'cause I love The Cat to pieces.
  18. Has number 1 ever met your mother? OMGWTFBBQROFL {{{shudder!}}}
  19. How did you meet number 6? Sam and I have worked together off and on for several years.
  20. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5? That would be difficult, since Molly and I live so far apart. In other words: no.
  21. Has 2 ever seen you naked? No? I don't think? What say you, Cat?
  22. What is the best memory you have with number 1? ROFL. Uh, I seriously cannot answer this question. It would make me laugh so hard that I would choke to death.
  23. What is one of number 4's best qualities? J.R. is wise.
  24. Do you live close to 7? No; Heidi and I live way too far apart!
  25. What is number 2's favorite food? The Cat loves bread. Iced sugar cookies. Diet DP. Cheese.
  26. Out of your top 8, which one would you say is the funniest? The Cat.
  27. Who is the most flirtatious? JT, hands down. And Fluffy - whether intentionally or not!
  28. What do you think of number 6? Sam's nothing like me when I was her age - thank God! She's smart & funny & sensitive & considerate. And she *adores* Passionfruit Green Tea Smoothies from Caribou Coffee.
  29. How long have you known number 5 for? Gosh, I don't know. I guess I've probably known Molly a year or so less than I've known J.R., I guess? Maybe 4 years?
  30. Which one of your top 8 friends drinks the most or goes out? JT.
  31. Which one of your top 8 friends is the best dresser? J.R.
  32. If you could change one thing about number 7, what would it be? We'd be in the same area code more often. Seriously, Heidi is a rare bird, a colorful painting, a song that you want to stay in your head. I wouldn't mess with that.
  33. Say something nice about number 1. JT is one of my very best friends; he is loyal and generous...and has lovely blue eyes.
  34. Which one of your top 8 friends lives the farthest away from you? Molly.
  35. Which one of your top 8 friends do you hang out with the most? Fluffy.
  36. Out of your top 8 friends, who is the loudest? I'm laughing - y'all probably ALL think of yourselves as quiet, but you can all make a decent noise when you need to. I'll say: J.R. [hee!]
  37. The quietest? Heidi, which is ironic since she's probably the only extrovert on the list.
  38. What is one quality about number 7 that you admire? Heidi has the most beautiful hair on the planet. And...everything that I said in #32 applies, too. An amazing, wonderful, beloved friend.
  39. What kind of car does number 4 have? A Honda CR-V trucklet.
  40. What is your fondest memory of number 8? Oh, wow. Um. I'm going to have to go with a marathon phone conversation that involved the morality of eating ice cream and the complete drunken destruction of a bottle of cocktail sauce.
  41. Have you traveled anywhere with number 2? The Cat and I have hit nearly every mall in the metropolitan area, in addition to nearly every Olive Garden in this time zone. And the lighting of that square place. And too many fucking work meetings to count, but thank God for 'em!
  42. If you gave number 4 $100 dollars tonight, what would they spend it on? J.R. would probably buy yarn. Or books. Or videogames.
  43. What is number 5's best quality? Molly is insightful, but extraordinarily kind about it.
  44. Would you kiss number 1? Hell, yes!
  45. How did you meet number 7? We worked together. Are we sensing a trend?
  46. If you had to buy number 5 a gift, what would you choose to give him/her? Art supplies. I love her painting and decorating taste.
  47. Does number 2 drink? Yup. She likes wine, or LIITs.
  48. Describe number 8 in two words. Romantic ascetic.
  49. How many of your top 8 friends have you actually met? All but Molly. We really need to have that blog party that Robert used to talk about!
[from The Cat]

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