
a-z surveyyy

[from The Cat. I wrote this last night and could not make it publish.]

A - Available: Within reason, yes.
A - Age: 30-some years, a few months, a handful of days. Give or take.
A - Annoyance: Fickle boys.

B - Bestest Friend[s]: The Cat & Fluffy - each in her own way.
B - Birthday: a few months, several days from now.

C - Car: Current: 2002 Honda Civic LX. Dream: Jaguar XK (pearl grey exterior, charcoal interior with aluminum trim)
C - Candy: At the moment I would love a sea monster (i.e. a huge carmel/chocolate/pecan thing) from the small-town candy store. Or (oooh!) White Chocolate Berry Truffles from Chukar.

D - Day or night: I am entirely a night person.

E- Easiest person to talk to: Depends. All of my good friends are extraordinarily easy to talk to, and most tell wonderful stories.
E- Eggs: Hard-boiled and on the warm side, or scrambled hard. I'm not a huge egg fan, though.

F - Favorite Month: I'm relearning this sort of thing. I have hopes for April.
F - Favorite color(s): If I could only look at one color, simply for the feeling that comes from it, I would choose a deep blue-gray.
F - Favorite Memory: My college friend, in the hospital after her daughter was born. She was wiped-the-fuck-out and sore and tired...and transcendent.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: I OD'd on bears about a year ago. They really don't appeal, in any form, at the moment.
G - Giver or taker: Whatever. I'm good at each.
G - Giraffes?: I want the boots!

H - Hair Color: Blondey-red
H - Height: 162.56 cm., roughly.
H - Happy: I'm not dancing on the ceiling, but neither am I weeping in my tea. It's another "reorganization of stray thoughts" day, as well as "cough up loose junk and try to pretend it's not socially unacceptable or disgusting" day.

I - Ice Cream: No, thanks. When I'm back on my feet again I'll be stopping at the local custard stand, though. A raspberry blast sounds good.
I - Instrument: I like oboe.

J - Jewelry: 4 silver hoops (ears), 1 silver loop (left second toe)
J - Job: Current: cataloger and head of Technical Services department. Dream: Writing.
J - Jail: I've visited several times, but never have I been compelled to stay.

K - Kids: My feelings on this subject vary widely.
K - Kindergarten: ...started on my 5th birthday. Was the site of my introduction to someone who is still my friend to this day. Taught me nothing (intellectually) that I hadn't already known, but probably aided my social awareness.

L - Longest Car Ride: hometown to A2, in the Mitten. In late-summer heat. With a packed car and 2 cats.

M - Most missed person: Ulysses. Use your imagination.
M - Movie: Favorite? The Professional. Last watched? War. Last I saw at the theater? Juno. That I want to see? Waitress.

N - Number of Siblings: Two.
N - Number of Tattoos: Two.
N - Name: Some derivative of my profile name.

O - ONE WISH: A second - no, a real - chance.
O - One phobia: Big dogs.
O - One regret: Student loans.

P- Pet Peeves: Slow drivers, carrots in everydamnedfood, incessant talkers.
P- Part of your appearance you like best: Biceps.
P- Part of your personality: Best? Consideration. Most apparent? Sense of humor (a.k.a. snarkitude). Most lacking? Equanimity.

Q- Quote: See the post from this morning.
Q- Quick or Slow: Slow. Usually.

R - Reason to smile: sunshine.
R - Reality TV Show: I really, really don't watch them.
R - Reason to cry: Men/Guys/Boys.

S - Song Last Heard: "Lonely People" (Jars of Clay)
S - Season: Autumn.
S - Shoe: Today I wore my hematite VanEli buckle pumps.

T - Time you woke up: I got out of bed at 6:45, ate breakfast, and checked blogs/email. I went back to bed at 7:10, intending to get up at 7:30. I got out of bed for the second time at 8:05. I was supposed to be at work at 8:30. I think I got there just as the doors opened at 9:00. Yargh.
T - Time Now: 9:16 PM
T - Time for bed: Probably 10 PM. I'm fucking exhausted.

U - U love someone: Yup.
U - Unpredictable?: I wish. I think I'm creeping back toward vanilla behavior again, now that I've swung so wide.
U - Underwear: Current? VS Angels bikini (red). Favorite? VS Body by Victoria (black).

V - Vegetable you hate: Carrots. No: celery.
V - Vacation spot: Norman.

W- Worst Habits: Ranting. Swearing. Working through lunch.
W- Where are you going to travel next? The Cat & I...are...going to the Big City on Monday. To shop. But really to compare notes on turtles, to exchange Christmas presents, and to bond.
W- Weather right now: Cold. Dry.

X - X-Ray: My last was of my right hand. I've had dozens. I could probably use a chest x-ray at the moment....

Y - Year you were born: 19-something
Y - Year it is now: 2008.
Y - Yellow: I have a major huge yellow terry bathrobe. Apart from that, there is almost none of that color in my life.

Z - Zoo Animal: I am not!

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