
about one-third snarky jokes, two-thirds painful honesty

  1. What do you think of the most when you are alone? Whatever I'm reading or writing. Or what I "should" be doing instead.
  2. When it is a rainy night, what do you do most of the time? I *love* to play in the rain, but unless there's someone with whom to do that, I'm likely indoors, watching and listening. (The sound of rain on the roof and windows is always, always soothing to me.)
  3. When was the last time you were given roses and from whom? There were yellow roses and white tulips, I think, waiting for me when I returned from Oklahoma a couple of years ago. D&D brought them over and left them on the dining room table. Lovely!
  4. What do you do when you see a full moon? Howl.
  5. Would you rather swim in the lake or dive in the ocean? Either one sounds fine right now, but it has been way too "...long since I've seen the ocean - I guess I should."
  6. What would be the best partner of a good cup of coffee? Amenable company who wants to drink it, 'cause I'm drinking tea.
  7. If you were to ask yourself a question now, what would it be? How old will you have to get before you figure out how to live?
  8. If certain things in your life fall apart, what will you do? Put 'em back together, acquire new, or do without 'em.
  9. What was the hardest decision you made in your life so far? Hurting someone I loved, on purpose.
  10. When your friends forget you, what will you do? Pout.
  11. Do you talk to yourself? Nah, but I sometimes sing...different words.
  12. Is there anything that you are craving right now? I've had those tiny cinnamon rolls that my mom used to make working their way through my mind for a few days.
  13. Single or taken? What do you think?!
  14. Ever cried for something stupid? Not lately. I seem to have lost the urge. What's the point?
  15. Do you like anime? Not so much.
  16. How about Japanese music? Hee! The song currently playing (from The Aimster Mix, nearly finished) is "Japan", by Vertical Horizon. In all seriousness, most Asian music perplexes me.
  17. What music are you into, anyway? Depends on the moment. Apparently I share with Jimmie Johnson not only a taste for Chad Knaus but also Metallica, so I'll claim that today.
  18. Do you have a malicious mind? Nah. More "suspicious" and "devious."
  19. First thing you do after watching a movie? Wash my hands. WTF? It depends on where I'm watching it, and what I want to do after. (weird question!)
  20. Do you wash the dishes in your house? Yes. I don't wait for my guests to do it. Though that's an idea...both to get rid of the dishes and those pesky "guests."
  21. Can you last two days without a bath? No. I self-destruct.
  22. Most common words in your classroom? Had I a classroom, I would post a conjugation chart for the word "fuck" and probably ask that someone track the number of times that I use the word "seriously" solely for emphasis. (That's my current sickness.)
  23. The last lie you told your parents? "I have to go back to work." Or the complete silence in response to their fawning over my sister - though I think we all prefer silence to the shrieking tirade that may never end.
  24. Still go to the mall with your parents? I have. Is it obvious that my parents are not mall-shoppers? We do much better at Fleet Farm or (seriously) Walgreens.
  25. Are you brand conscious? Only in terms of quality, not reputation amongst my "peers."
  26. Ever fell in love? Uh, yeah.
  27. Who do you miss right now? Heidi
  28. Watched any good movies lately? Last great movie I saw was Cradle 2 the Grave, which I LOVED.
  29. Is it in you to kill someone? Yup
  30. Daydream a lot? All the damned time. That's part of the reason why I have so many bruises - I walk into walls. Sometimes. (That also happens when my leg falls asleep.)
  31. Happy with your life? Mostly, yeah. It's better than the alternative, anyway.
  32. You'd rather lose your mobile or your mp3 player? Today, I would LOOOVE to lose my fucking mobile. I HATEHATEHATE Nextel/Sprint and their fucked-up excuse for rate plans. And my iPod cost 6x what I paid for the phone, so in terms of replacement I'd be much more upset. (Not to mention the 12,500 songs and 9000-some photos on it.) All my contacts are copied in my [paper] address book anyway, so - apart from some bizarre photos - the phone would be no big loss.
[#170, from The Cat]

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