
es verdad

My ex is still: a source of irritation, though we haven't spoken for months.
I’m listening to: the quiet whir of my laptop and a mix on my iPod.
Maybe I should: be more concerned about revealing too much.
I love: chicken tortilla soup.
My best friends: are all religious/spiritual creatures.
I don’t understand: why people so often try to foist their musical preferences on me.
I lost respect for: [then-famous baseball player], about $8 zillion and four skanky blond mistresses ago.
The meaning of my screen-name is: really not that difficult to discern if you put your mind to it.
Love is: "the crocodile in the river of desire." [Bhartrihari {c. A.D. 625}, in The Vairagya Sataka]
Somewhere someone is: reading this and thinking I’m really friggin’ bonkers. Somewhere else, someone is reading this and thinking I’m their ideal woman. Somewhere else, someone else is probably not reading this at all...and he’s probably my ideal man. See how pointless these things might be?
I will always: care more about what I feel than what anyone thinks.
Forever seems like: a rather meaningless concept.
I never ever want to lose: my vision.
[My] mobile phone is: always with me, always on, and not the center of my universe.
When I wake up in the morning: I will either be broke or annoyed.
I get annoyed at: people that drive the way that I do.
Parties are: an unfortunate fact of life that I would love to circumvent.
My pet: was killed on my 13th birthday.
Kisses are: among the best things in life.
Today I: got enough sleep for the first time in a while. [written Saturday evening]
I really want: someone else to buy my groceries now and then.
I live: in solitude, most of the time.
I work: harder at my hidden hobby than I ever do between 8:30 and 5.
I think: I’m glad that most people don’t think the way that I do.
I smell: something green - maybe the ivy on the old depot?
I listen: well, when I want to.
I see: more between the lines than I ever do on the lines.
I sing: when I drive, especially when I’m next to truckers.
I can: make better lasagna than anyone else I know.
I daydream: pretty much all the time.
I fall: rarely, and only when I deserve it.
I want: to get to C without having to go through A and B.
I cry: surprisingly often, for surprisingly (seemingly-) meaningless reasons.
I love: but not easily.
I sometimes: think fleetingly about that deserted island where I could live like a hermit with my 10 CDs and 10 books....
I fear: heights and large dogs.
I hope: the price of gas falls dramastically in the next four days.
I eat: way too much bread.
I drink: as often as possible.
I miss: P & H.
I hate: getting out of bed in the morning.
I forgive: innocent mistakes.
I drive: a car that will soon be replaced.
I dream: often, and wildly, and in color.
I kiss: not often enough, and well enough that I should do it more.
I hug: with my whole self...usually.
I have: four porcelain cows hanging over my TV.
I remember: my friends’ birthdays and phone numbers.
I don't: remember info that would be really useful for work.
I believe: that my religious upbringing worked, because I nearly answered this question with a response from one of the Creeds.
I know: all the words to “John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt” in Spanish.

[Snarfed from The Cat, who got it from Kwizgiver; previously posted @ OkCupid]

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