
in which 'mad' has two meanings

  1. How old will you turn in 2009? 39
  2. Do you think you'll be married by then? Fuck - that's anybody's guess!
  3. What do you look forward to most in the next 3 months? Getting a BIG, well-deserved raise. Or, in the alternative, seeking alternate employment.
  4. Do you like to say "I told you so"? No.
  5. Who was the last person to call you? Fluffy
  6. Do you prefer call or text? I'm a convert to text messages. Lower "stress."
  7. Do you have any pets? No. I have plants.
  8. What were you doing at 6 a.m. [Friday]? Sleeping.
  9. What were you doing at noon [Friday]? Working.
  10. When is the last time you saw your mom? When she & Dad visited, earlier this spring.
  11. What is your mood? Sated but vaguely antsy. The weather's perfect and I would love to be causin' trouble.
  12. How many houses have you lived in? the ridge--Lafayette--Walnut--[back to the ridge]--King--Mark--the rental house--the first purchased: seven of my past addresses have been houses. (There were five apartments in the mix, too.)
  13. How many city/towns have you lived in? Four
  14. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet? Bare
  15. Are you a social person? Not by nature, but I can do it when I need to.
  16. What was the last thing you ate? Pancakes. I'm smiling because the first word that came to mind was an inside joke between me and my former spouse.
  17. What's your favorite colors? Gray, blue, black
  18. What are you doing for your next birthday? Flying to Mars on butterfly wings. It's months away! How the hell would I know?
  19. What is your favorite TV show? Lately I'm partial to NCIS. It has a certain degree of levity that seems lacking in other offerings.
  20. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? I will eat PB&J with grape jelly, raspberry jam, or strawberry jam. Preferably low-sugar.
  21. Do you like coffee? Only to smell, freshly ground and/or brewed.
  22. What are you listening to? The Heidi Mix, currently "Hopeless" (Sister Hazel)
  23. Do you have an iPod? Yes - that's the source of the music.
  24. Who was the last car ride with? Fluffy gave me a ride to my car yesterday after work since it was raining. I repaid her by filling her back seat with bags of recycling from my trunk. No wonder people don't let me in their cars very often!
  25. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? I usually sleep on the right (my right, in bed), but that's because it's further away from the north-facing windows and the alarm clock. I can sleep anywhere.
  26. Do you know how to play poker? Yes, badly.
  27. What are you thinking about right now? Shopping for clothes; my need to get back to washing the dishes; a crazy dream that I had last night that involved this guy (among others); and the fact that I ate one too many pancakes for dinner and now I'm stuffed.
  28. Any plans for this weekend? Writing, a little shopping, and packing some stuff to mail.
  29. Have you cut your hair this week? No, but Lori did it a week ago. No one's noticed that she took 3 inches.
  30. Last picture you took? ...is nothing I'd brag about.
  31. Are you a tease? In some ways.
  32. Do you prefer an ocean or pool? Ocean.
  33. Do you smile often? I doubt it.
  34. Do you know how to drive a stick shift? Yup!
  35. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? The perfect gift for a friend.
  36. Do you wear any jewelry 24/7? My toe ring. Almost always earrings. 75% of the time, a necklace.
  37. Have you ever been in a fist fight? I wish.
  38. Have you heard a rumor about yourself this week? No, but I've been propositioned (ham-handedly), dumped as a friend, gently refused, ignored, betrayed (by someone about whom I should have known better), and sick as a fuckin' dog. Not much room for inciting rumors there.
  39. Who are the funniest people you know? college BFF & the Cat
  40. What makes you the maddest? guys/men/boys - and my reactions to same
  41. What is the main ringtone on your phone? Nextel's 1
  42. Where do you want to go to college? I've no desire to do "college" again. Were I to do the school thing again (bleargh), where would depend on why.
  43. Who was the last person to make you cry? Gary Allan.
  44. Do you shut off the water while you brush your teeth? Yes
  45. Do you wish someone was with you right now? Yes. YES. Are you happy now?! Yes. I do.
  46. Are you mad about anything? No, but I think I'm a little weird.
  47. Last person to text you? Ulysses
[#188, from the Cat - I did this one a few evenings ago. I love scheduling posts! :)]

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