

  1. What was the highlight of your day? I'm writing this on 7-5-08 at about 10:AM - there hasn't been an opportunity for "highlights" yet. I'm holding out hope....
  2. How many meals do you usually eat a day? Threeish
  3. What's your favorite movie? Trust
  4. Have you ever thought George Clooney was hot? Yup
  5. Have you ever doubted your sexual orientation? Nope
  6. How long has it been since you have seen an ex? A week or so. This time of year he's generally underground.
  7. Name 5 of your best friends. Debbie, The Cat, Deb, Eric, r
  8. Would you ever consider moving to Zimbabwe? It's not a priority.
  9. What would you do if someone dyed your pubic hairs bright pink permanently? I would die. Because they would have to be in the process of killing me for that to happen.
  10. When was the last time you had Starbucks? I think it was when they were still inside Borders stores, way back when I was in the ill-fated poetry group.
  11. Are you single? No
  12. What is your opinion on global warming? I'm not pleased.
  13. What about abortion? I don't think I could do it, personally, but I am very much in favor of others being permitted to decide for themselves.
  14. Which would you rather star in: High School Musical or Striptease? Given the choice, Striptease.
  15. What's the worst movie you've ever seen? The Unbearable Lightness of Being
  16. How many times do you sneeze a day? Less than one.
  17. Are you an "adult"? "yes"
  18. Where do you live? In my apartment.
  19. Have you ever thought Micheal Jackson was going to kidnap you? No. This is another one of those "100 monkeys with 100 typewriters" questions.
  20. What color hair do you have? Whatever. Blondish brownish.
  21. Would you rather have a hybrid vehicle or a Hummer? I think that people who drive Hummers should be forced to buy gas (and insurance) for the rest of us. Does that answer your question?
  22. Who is prettier: Angelina Jolie or Kate Bosworth? I don't think that either of them is very attractive.
  23. What do you think about the tabloids? I don't.
  24. Have you ever been to Texas? Yes
  25. Would you want to go? Sure, but it's not my ultimate destination.
  26. Do you wear a watch? Only when I'm taking standardized tests.
  27. Have you ever had the sensation that you were falling while asleep? Not that I can recall at the moment, but that's close to a recurring nightmare of mine.
  28. Would you rather work at Goodwill or McDonald's? Goodwill
  29. What do you think about Britney Spears' 16 year old sis getting pregnant? I don't care. At all.
  30. Do you recycle? Yes
[I stole this from The Cat. I will not apologize.]

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