
some things about getting along

Today Did You--
  1. Talk to a boy/girl you like? Not yet
  2. Realize anything new? No, but I learned some things about the Suez Canal while reading at lunch.
  3. Talk to an ex? No.
  4. Miss someone? No. I’m a better shot than that.
Last person who--
  1. Slept in your bed? Just me.
  2. Saw you cry? Fluffy, probably? Or Sam.
  3. You went to the movies with? Matt
  4. Went to the mall with you? The Cat
  5. You said "I love you" to and meant it? Mom
  6. Made you laugh? Steven
  7. Said they loved you? Various scary members of OkCupid...and my mom.
  8. Called you in the middle of the night? Ulysses
  9. [upon whom ... you ... had a crush]? Ulysses
Just plain questions--
  1. What book are you reading now? Panama Fever, etc.
  2. Best feeling in the world? Being sought out, for me.
  3. Favorite location? For what? In general, on the banks of the River.
  4. Piercing/Tattoos? I have four and two. I will have at least two more...soon.
  5. What are you most scared of right now? Being scared.
  6. Where do you want to get married? Uh. Hm. Well. How about, I’ll consider it if and when I need to.
  7. Who do you really hate? No one. Why expend all the energy, so pointlessly?
  8. Does anyone really hate you? Safe bet.
  9. Do you like being around people? In general? No. Certain people, under certain circumstances? Very much.
  10. Have you ever cried? What a stupid fucking question. Yes, emphatically. That’s like asking, “Have you ever been an infant?”
  11. Are you lonely right now? Nope.
  12. Song stuck in your head right now? “World Inside My Head” by Sister Hazel, which is a simple physical function of the fact that it’s being pumped into my ear at the moment.
  13. Been on radio/TV? Not individually.
  14. Ever liked someone, but you think they never noticed you? Welcome to OkCupid.
  15. Ever liked someone who treated you like craP? (Why is the “P” capitalized? Is that somehow worse than regular “crap”?) Uh, yeah.
  16. How many beds did you lay in yesterday? Just one.
  17. What color shirt are you wearing? Red
  18. Name three things that you do every day. Put in my contacts, brush my teeth, and check my email.
  19. How much cash do you have on you right now? In my pocket: $0. In my wallet: $17.
  20. When was the last time you saw your dad? early summer, when last the 'rents visited.
  21. Who got you to join MySpace? The wandering soul, but I deleted my profile almost as quickly as I created it....
  22. What did you have for dinner last night? Pasta with chicken sauce
  23. What web site do you visit the most? gmail, I’m sure. If that doesn’t count, then deadspin.com, at least when I’m at work.
  24. Do you have plants in your room? Not for the summer.
  25. Does anything hurt on your body right now? Nah. I’m good.
  26. Where was your last cab ride? Sheesh – probably Miami.
  27. What's your favorite Starbucks drink? Eh, I’m not a Starbucks girl. I’d get whatever iced tea was “on tap” and be grateful to spend less than $2.
[from The Cat, who got it from The Survey Place]

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