
what becomes a legend most?

  • what are you listening to? The Far Away Mix (currently "I Go Blind" by Hootie et al. - which is surprisingly better than the 54-40 version!)
  • what are you drinking? Nothing at the moment. I've really got to get my freezer set so it won't eat my ice cubes, so I can have iced tea more often. Mmm, tea....
  • is there an animal in the room? Just us chickens.
  • are you watching TV? Nope. I'm in my office (at home).
  • when's the last time you chewed gum? I don't recall. It's been quite a while.
  • do you like coleslaw? No, but I've been told that I am very skilled at preparing it. Something about not making it too soupy. ? Whatever.
  • do you have a nice camera? Yes. Though it doesn't compare to some of the more recent releases, it has served me well through nearly 9000 photos.
  • do you have a last.fm account? No
  • does music sound better when you're on drugs? Everything's better when I'm on drugs. (See this post re: Fioricet.)
  • do you carry Chapstick on you? No. When I carry a purse, I usually have some sort of lip-goo in it, though. Not a fan of the Chapstick.
  • is it essential to always have a hair tie around? I seem to, almost always. My hair is long and can be annoying in the heat/humidity.
  • have you ever made a survey? Not since childhood.
  • is there a box of Kleenex anywhere near you? Yup - it's on the floor, on top of my card box, about 2 feet from my right knee. There are also boxes in the bathroom, bedroom, and living room. I don't like having to get up for my Kleenex (which are always Puffs, incidentally).
  • do you lotion daily? No, but I apply lotion daily. Multiple times daily, even.
  • what are you listening to now? "Right Now" by Van Halen, from the same mix.
  • what's your favorite lyric of this song? "Come on, it's everything"
  • are you fergalicious? The mere thought makes me vomit in my mouth a little.
  • when did you learn to swallow pills? Dunno. Probably via baby aspirin, as a sick wee one.
  • are you wearing perfume? Nope. I remember to do that maybe twice a week at most.
  • when's the last time you cleaned the floor? I vacuumed...last Friday, I think?
  • second favorite CD of all time? Better Than Ezra, Closer
  • first? Staind, Chapter V
  • what do you watch for a good laugh? Depends on my mood. Sometimes something silly is just right - The Simpsons, maybe. If I'm more "intellectual," then Frasier reruns seem to do the trick. I don't know - I don't very often seek out "a good laugh." What does that say about me?
  • is it rude when someone you don't know grabs your ass? No. I love to be groped by strangers. WTF?!
  • what's your a/i/m font? I don't use AIM, but if I did it would likely be Georgia, as it is on Yahoo and the stupid chat thing we use at work.
  • can you cook? Yup. Pasta with chicken sauce, tonight.
  • are you addicted to caffeine? No, but I enjoy it regularly.
  • are you addicted to anything? Not in so many words.
  • last time you bled? I gave 5 vials for the cause earlier today (to determine that I do not, in fact, have mono). The initial stick didn't do the job, so the hole in my elbow is for naught. The one in my hand worked much better, albeit slowly, and looks to be hematoma-free.
  • do you have an empty picture frame on display anywhere? No
  • do you make promises to eat healthy and exercise but never follow through? I would only promise such a thing to myself, and I see no point in doing so unless I would truly follow through. And hey, I am! Nifty, how that works.
  • have you written a poem? Yup
  • was it good? Yup
  • have you ever put shaving cream on someone's car? Yup. Probably twice a month for 3 or 4 years during high school. I was a bad seed.
  • do you rub your eyes a lot? No
  • how do you feel about Jim Carrey doing serious roles? The Majestic was a pretty good movie. I didn't hate Liar, Liar. I generally think he's a nitwit, though.
  • are you in love with Harry Potter? I would rather read, watch, or act in porn than have anything to do with Harry Potter. [This is a paraphrase of one of my favorite Fluffy quotes, from the notebook.]
  • do you read? All the time
  • isn't it annoying when you lose one sock, or one earring? I've never lost one sock. I have lost an earring several times, and it is indeed annoying.
  • do you want to be a movie star? No
  • a rock star? No
  • would you rather be a one hit wonder or a legend? I'm much more likely to be a one-hit wonder, considering my chequered past. I would love to be a legend.
  • are you really into politics? I keep up. I'm no Beast, but I get by.
  • are subscription cards in magazines that fall out, out of nowhere, annoying? Nah. They're convenient bookmarks.
  • do you experience déjà vu? I have. I'm not a nutcase about it, though.
  • did you wear your safety goggles in science labs? Not as often as I should've, considering.
  • do you mind washing the dishes? I fucking HATE washing the dishes (says the single woman who likes to cook and has no dishwasher).
  • do you wear colorful socks? No
  • who's the next person you'll have to buy a present for? G's birthday is on Sunday. She is an infant, and she will be a slightly less young infant on Sunday.
  • do you wear belts? One at a time.
  • are you obsessed with Grey's Anatomy? Only with being paid for it, and the eternal question of who gives a shit about it anymore?
  • do you like gatorade? No. Salty. Icky.
  • are you in any pain right now? I can still feel the "outline" of the migraine (if you've had them, then you probably know what I mean) but it's SOOOOOOO much better than it has been that I don't even mind this. Apart from that, life's good.
  • how's the weather? Gah. Hot and gross. My apartment is a greenhouse. The World's Loudest A/C runs constantly. I wish I could go into stasis for July and August!
  • do you like playing BINGO? It could be worse.
  • have you ever won anything in the lottery? Yes
  • next CD you have your eye on? I'm pretty well caught up, which is only an indication of the dangers to come.
  • does roadkill make you sad? Yes
[snarfed from The Cat, who calls it #219 and again says " hoorayforsurveys " ]

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