
in through the side door

Aliens and Private Parts
  1. The aliens have landed...they have invited you in for dinner....what do you think they are up to?
    I'm probably the main course.
  2. Remember that 20 dollar bill you found on the ground a few memes ago?? OK, you picked it up and someone comes to you and says..hey that's mine...what do you say?
    Depending on the situation and their attitude, either "Prove it" or "I found it; here you go."
  3. You got offered a part in a movie... they will pay an enormous amount of money....but you have to play the town she-slut/he-slut.. do you play the part or do you refuse to compromise your values?
    Meh. What's 'enormous'? Some of my values pale in comparison to my shaky financial status.
  4. Do you have a name for your private parts?
    Wow--if I did, such a thing would be a hell of a lot more private than blog-worthy!
  5. You are driving north on Hell Avenue and can only turn west on to Hell Terrace. There is a car coming toward you on Hell Avenue also, which also can only turn west onto Hell Terrace. what does this prove??
    Nothing. Logic games presume, and in the above scenario I could be driving most illogically.
  6. Where is the strangest place you ever did the deed?
    "Strangest"?! Guess that depends on your definition of "strange." It certainly didn't seem too odd at the time....
  7. Have you ever been caught doing the nasty...who caught you and where were you?
    "Caught" seems to imply that someone intentionally endeavored to locate and perhaps to separate those who may have been party to the alleged incident. It may have been more inadvertent.
    Who? Chuck's girlfriend. I think her name was Leanne...?
    Where? At Steve's, of course.
  8. What can put you in the rottenest mood ever?
  9. Beyond remembering the more explicit details of question #7? Traffic. If only there were a lane reserved for people who aren't there expressly to get in each others' way.
[from The Cat, who got it here]


  1. Our church treasurer is named Chuck. Hmmm....

  2. Chuck was completely uninvolved! 8)

  3. Should probably also mention that the Chuck I know is the basis for Chuck E. Cheese. Seriously.

    As such, he would be completely uninvolved in anything of this sort. ;-)

    "fadsag" REALLY!?!

  4. Really? People still refer to it as "the nasty"?

  5. "of this sort"--snob! ;)

    "People"? No. Chicks who write blog quizzes? ...

  6. I only meant that Chuck E. Cheese is rated very G, and therefore would have nothing much to do with question #7.

  7. Also, Drew: remember that only idiots write memes/quizzes/surveys. Flashes of brilliance do not negate the idiocy.

    It takes one to know one after all.

