
happy anniversary, baby

  • Thursday is now "come home from work and collapse" day. Today's progress was delayed slightly by the massive (relative to the area) car accident on the street in front of the apartment, causing traffic to be diverted in a southward loop. I managed to get a pass from the cop, snuck into the parking lot, scampered upstairs, achieved standard sleeping apparel, and promptly conked out...for 2.5 hours. Most people might avoid that sort of "nap" in the evening, but I have no problem with it. In fact, I'm yawning and leaning in the direction of my perfect, perfect bed already.
  • Heard of cdbaby? Good source for the obscure, and they have an excellent touch with customer service. I bought This Moment is a Flash by Dala, and I love it.
  • I bought razors. They were pink--naturally, because every personal care product intended for use by women has to be pink in some way.
    *eye roll*
    What I did not notice until I was home: they are also berry-scented. That's right, Berry Scented Razors. What the fuck?! What godforsaken moron thought that was a good idea, a good use of technology, a necessary "enhancement", and a selling point? If I'd noticed at the store, there's NO WAY I would have purchased that brand. Berry-scented razors...{{{shudder}}}
  • Had a wonderfully esoteric conversation with The Cat today about "1 v. (unpaged)" v. "unp." and 041/546. There are times when I really, really enjoy being In-Group, and that was one of them.
  • New toenail polish color: Chick Flick Cherry
  • Happy belated birthday, Molly!
  • The J.Peterman Square Neck Dress is on sale. [link died] I gave in (ha!) and got the vest a month or so ago; think I'll be able to withstand the dress?


  1. thanks, and it was a happy one.
    the vest? THE vest? the one that was incredibly expensive (or was that a jacket)? I like the dress.
    I'm glad you had a good nap.

  2. I'm glad!

    Yes, *the* vest. It was on sale (again), the cost only "wildly extravagant" rather than "insanely prohibitive," so I got it. God knows where/when I'll wear it, but it is sooooooo lovely. :)

    Awesome nap. And now, to bed!

  3. Why...WHY...is everything girly "pink"? I'm so freakin' sick of pink. My girly razors are orange and not scented. At least, not that I've noticed.

    Cute dress. Not for me, but it would/will look lovely on you.

  4. Thursday is my collapse day too!
    We are obviously soul mates seperated by the Atlantic. Silly ocean.
