
explaining where I've been, and why

    Sometimes you realize you've mistreated a friend in some subtle way. Sometime it's more obvious, like when she writes you a letter that reads, in part:
Where have you been, by the way? I keep running to the mailbox looking for you & you're not there. This isn't meant to be guilt, I just sincerely miss your correspondence (and am now buying your love with gifts)

and includes it in a box of awesome, gift-wrapped, fun loot. She's awesome. And, yeah, I haven't written in way too long. Guess what I did after I opened that box? Not that I felt "bought."

      I successfully completed another mix CD this week, almost in time for the recipient's birthday. This time around, the music was almost the least of it; once that was settled, I needed to write an annotation, explaining why those songs were on the disc. At first glance, a few of them make no sense whatsoever. Once that was done, I could give her the CD. Now all that's left is to create the jacket and playlist. I know what I want for cover art, but I'm having a hard time finding it. This hobby really is a blessing and a curse for me, because I won't finish it until it's just right. 

     Along that line, yesterday I was in a mood, and listened to a mix that I'd made in February for the first time since I burned it. It was a trial; I spent that ~83 min. alternately cringing and livid. Mortified at my ability, willingness, and even grace, in laying myself bare. Furious...like a dog, howling at the moon: at nothing, and at everything, all at once. Not at anything specific, for sure. Not at you, or at me. You’re a mountain that I’d like to climb--not to conquer, but to share in the view. 

     Am thinking about piercing my lip, much like the one pictured on this book cover:liiip The tattooed scales are a bit much, I admit. 

    Thanks to my reformed relationship with employment, I have a couple of "vacations" scheduled. Granted, there's nothing terribly exciting on the horizon, but it's still early in the season. For now, I'm taking a few random days off just for the sake of it, and a long weekend at the ancestral home toward the end of the month. If there's time--prehaps if D is available to hold my hand again--I will return with marks to show for it. I like that    A couple of people have said this about me, too.      

    I really need to do my taxes this weekend. I've been saying that for about 2 months. My relationship with money is so odd. It's not that I don't like it, just that it seems to come and go without my noticing. I think I got paid yesterday, which should have just about doubled the balance in that particular account; that's a good thing. I think there's a few bills (3? 5?) under a couple of books of poetry near my left hand. Oh, and my census form. Guess I should deal with that, too. I'd rather go for a long drive.


  1. I think that piercing is called a Marilyn. And if we're thinking about the same D, then surely.

  2. I'm woefully out of the piercing loop. Crawling in that direction, though.

    Did I never share the first tattoo[s] story with you? My best friend since college, Deb, came along with me. She was nominally there for moral support, but ended up watching wide-eyed, snorting with laughter and at least a little turned off. She also wrote what I think is my only quote in my book: "Now I want to pull down my pants and show everyone!"
