
on the blank back side of that poisonous moon

  • Summer! 83 degrees, sunny and very windy while I was driving (bat out of hell style) to my appointment with the dentist this afternoon. An absolutely gorgeous day. All is fine in my mouth, too--always a good thing.
  • Toe = stiff and aching.
  • I am really good at what I do for a living. It would be nice to hear that acknowledged by someone other than my closest friends now and then.
  • On the return trip from the home state, I stopped at a rest area to get a Coke. I was surprised to discover that I had no $1 bills, and only $1 in quarters. The machine took bills and quarters. I was forced (by my thirst) to feed it a $5 bill. I was expecting a pocketful of quarters in change. Instead, I got 3 quarters and 3 Millard Fillmore dollar coins. Interesting, isn't it, to get a denomination in change that I couldn't have used for my own transaction in that machine, eh?
  • I think I forgot to mention that I've upgraded to 21st century phone service. As of Sunday, I've disassociated with Sprinxtel. My brother was gracious enough to allow me to attach to his Verizon (actually, Alltel) family plan like a long-distance barnacle, and once I completed the arduous task of choosing a phone (which was, in truth, very easy), life was transformed. I now carry a Samsung Alias2, notable for its dual-hinge clamshell design. In English, that means that it flips both (either?) vertically and horizontally, and the keys "repurpose" depending upon in which direction the phone is opened. Geeky, inordinately functional, monstrous learning curve, *very* cool.
  • The poem on 4/16/10 ('Honey') was for Heidi.
  • Homesick for the River already. Why, whywhywhywhywhy do I live so far from water?! I miss the people back home a lot - some more than others of course - but thinking about being on the levee at twilight and watching (and listening to) the river go by always makes my eyes sting.

1 comment:

  1. The temperature last night was delectable. If it hadn't been so windy, the windows would've been wide open all night; the hell with allergies.

    TEXT ME! And congrats. And I'm moderately envious. Did you get the rockin' leather(-esque?) case as well?

    Hugs. I'm worried about you.
