
ooh *snap*

  • Broken [second] toe. Tripped over a book that I'd left on the floor next to my desk (at home). I heard something snap but thought it was just the knuckle cracking. Judging by the bruising, swelling, and distinct pain that's lingered for 2 days, it wasn't just the knuckle. Stooopid toe. Though I do giggle every time I imagine it in a tiny little plaster cast....
  • 鈺禎 left a comment on the Synthetic Residual Warmth post, which read (in part): 留言支持好作品~來打聲招呼-大家好!!! Relying completely on Google translator and assuming that the text is Chinese, that means that Yu Chen says "Message to support good work ~ to say hello - Hello, everybody!!!" I did not publish the comment because it included (whether intentionally or not) a link to a questionable website with which I was uncomfortable. Still, I wanted to share this message.
  • Incidentally, the poem posted in Synthetic Residual Warmth was chosen for my good old friend 'r'. I didn't list any dedications this year--mostly because it would've become nauseating by the end to have seen the same name repeated so many times. Still, I should probably call attention to those that were intended for specific eyes. I'll try to do that over the next few days/posts.
  • I sometimes have to spend time with a person who apparently has a very hard time empathizing. This person seems to find it impossible to appreciate the way his/her communications will be understood, and so expresses him/herself in such a way as to be obnoxious, condescending, demeaning, arrogant, and crass. It is important that I rise above this behavior, not only for my own emotional well-being but also for the more practical purpose of maintaining a good relationship with others with whom we both interact. Trust me: it is a struggle. Today, for instance, I was torn between biting my tongue and capitulating to an insolently-worded mini-tirade, and unleashing a well-deserved fury. Since there was nothing to be solved by venting just then, I kept it to myself. Some days, I deserve a fucking medal for keeping my mouth shut.
  • ...for which, occasionally, I am rewarded. I was invited on a play-date on Sunday. (Well, sorta. As close as one gets these days.)
  • Wonder what season it'll be tomorrow? We've had winter and spring so far this week. I'm voting for late spring/early summer. Who's with me?
  • Just realized that there are photos of my feet popping up in strange places again. If this leads where it did the last time, I will not regret it.


  1. You have good feet. Even when injured they look nice.

    Sometimes, a well-timed pinpoint vent is called for. From you, it would be so unexpected (in what I picture as this particular setting) that it might be just the ticket.


    I'm with you on the weather.


  2. *blush* --thanks!

    Vent: well-timed is the key.

    Date: wasn't sure what else to call it. I'm accompanying a [new] [female] friend to a musical performance on Sunday afternoon, followed by a food thing.

    Weather = beyond awesome. Perfect day to have been outside. Like there's a bad one, anyway, given the alternative.

    ...F: No. Lie. Your Meebo status said it all!
