
if u know what i'm singing about up here, c'mon raise your hand

    A few weeks ago, a dear friend brought me flowers - irises - at least partially in lieu of donuts. As much as I love donuts, the irises were a great surprise and just the thing. I would imagine that I thanked her at the time, but I don't know that I told her how much of an impression they made. I wanted to make a post of all the purple things in my apartment, as a way of paying tribute to the beauty of the flowers. The funny thing is that I couldn't find anything else (besides peanut M&Ms) that was purple. Strange, that.
    About a week after she gave the irises, I bought a few bunches of tulips for a birthday gift. Unfortunately, the combination of wind, rain, and unseasonably cold temperatures that day meant that the trip from the store to the car and the car to my apt. left them pretty much mangled and no longer worthy of giving. I salvaged what I could for myself, and gave something else. Here, belatedly, is a floral tribute to the irises, and that gift.
135136138146148149153157160I really can't take pictures of living things in my apartment without showing the current state of Bob and a few of his cohort, too.166169

1 comment:

  1. I have about 3 dozen more if you need replacements. They are, again, taking over the front walk and garden. Pretty, weedy things.

    You really aren't a purply person. Not that you AREN'T a purply person--as in, you don't HATE purple--it's just not a color I associate with you.

    I'm going to sleep now. It has taken me 5 minutes to write this comment, corrent (<--example) the errors in virtually every word, and stop laughing at word verif...are you sure you didn't set up a special dictionary of words for yourself?

